The Thought Of God
Weight | 0.23 kg |
Dimensions | 18.1 × 12.1 × 1.9 cm |
ISBN | 9780851516585 |
Binding | Paperback |
Format | Book |
Page Count | 256 |
Short ISBN | |
Topic | Spiritual Growth |
Original Pub Date | 1993 |
Banner Pub Date | May 1, 1993 |
Book Description
This is a collection of articles which have already been widely read and appreciated as editorials in The Banner of Truth magazine, of which Maurice Roberts is the editor. Pointedly biblical, they are thoughtful and searching, humbling and exalting, challenging and encouraging.
Like editorials in other journals Maurice Robert’s articles have spoken to the needs of the times. But while many editorials appear to have only historical or sociological interest at a later day, in contrast these are of lasting value. They have God and his Word as their starting place, and their horizon stretches beyond time to eternity. Those who have already read them will rejoice to have these pieces conveniently and permanently in book form, while those who come to them for the first time will appreciate their freshness, relevance and power, and will find in them a seriousness which has a sanctifying effect on the heart and a clarifying influence on the spiritual vision.
Table of Contents Expand ↓
Preface | ix | |
I | Our Great God | 1 |
1. The Thought of God | 3 | |
2. ‘O The Depth!’ | 9 | |
3. The Still Small Voice | 16 | |
4. Ceasing From Man | 22 | |
5. The Interpretation of Providence in History | 30 | |
6. Our Need of Faith at This Hour | 48 | |
II | Fellowship With Christ | 55 |
7. Christ the Lover of Our Souls | 57 | |
8. ‘Better Than Wine’ | 67 | |
9. The Christian’s Refreshing | 73 | |
10. The Surpassing Love of Christ | 79 | |
11. Our Unpopular Lord Jesus | 86 | |
III | The Christian’s Walk | 93 |
12. At Home in the Heavenlies | 95 | |
13. A Time to Afflict the Soul | 100 | |
14. The Management of Our Pride | 108 | |
15. Redeeming the Tongue | 114 | |
16. A Dose of Moral Courage | 120 | |
17. Glorying in Our Infirmities | 124 | |
18. Satan’s Advantages From Christians’ Frailties | 130 | |
19. Where Have the Saints Gone? | 137 | |
20. Where Godliness is Leaking | 143 | |
IV | Life Together | 153 |
21. The Fellowship of Saints | 155 | |
22. The Supreme Grace of Christian Love | 161 | |
23. When Good Men Fall | 167 | |
24. Christian Friendships | 173 | |
25. The Prayer for Revival | 181 | |
V | The Glory to Come | 189 |
26. ‘Until the Day Break .. .’ | 191 | |
27. When the Trumpet Sounds | 197 | |
28. Heaven – The Home of Saints | 206 | |
29. Heaven – A Perfect State | 214 | |
30. The Happiness of Heaven | 224 | |
Notes | 231 |
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