D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Volume 2: The Fight of Faith 1939 - 1981

Look Inside Price £19.00

Weight 1.15 kg
Dimensions 22.3 × 14.3 × 5.3 cm
ISBN 9780851515649




Page Count




Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Jun 1, 1990


‘If D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ life were a novel it would be panned by critics as too unrealistic. Because his life is a historical reality we are left to wonder at the providential energy that could have effected such an astonishing career. …This book is an electrifying apologetic for the powerfully theologized pulpit emphases of the Reformers and Puritans.’ — CHRISTIANITY TODAY

‘This provides great encouragement and instruction for pastors seeking a ministry given to scriptural and doctrinal edification of the Bride of Christ.’ — TOM NETTLES

‘The two-volume biography of Martyn Lloyd- Jones, the most powerful twentieth-century influence on my life.’ — MICHAEL HAYKIN

Book Description

The ministry of Martyn Lloyd-Jones at Westminster Chapel which began at the outbreak of World War II, was suddenly changed at the point at which this volume begins. His hard work in the difficult War and post-War years became the preparation for his great influence in London in the fifties and sixties. But these pages trace his ministry into wider circles – to the Universities, to Europe, the United States, South Africa and ultimately, in his books, to the whole world.

While Dr Lloyd-Jones’ ministry was thus altering the course of things in the Christian world, other powerful changes were also at work. Ecumenism stirred the declining British churches and found evangelicalism unprepared and uncertain in its response. Crusade evangelism and then the charismatic movement brought additional uncertainties. These things inevitably drew Lloyd-Jones into controversy and, with a new toleration appearing with evangelicalism, his voice was no longer as welcome as it had once been. Many were unready to believe, as he did, that the popular adjustments being made by evangelicals were only substitutes for the true awakening so profoundly needed.

This volume contains much source material now in print for the first time and will be a primary text on evangelicalism in the twentieth century. At all vital points Iain Murray, the authorised biographer, is able to give his subjects own understanding of what happened. But neither public ministry nor controversy dominate the story. There is much on Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ personal life. The foremost impression left is of the overruling of divine providence and of the spiritual grace which shown in him as a Christian. Though in the eyes of the other Christians he was ‘full of faith and of the Holy Spirit’, yet in his own eyes he was, ‘ nothing but an old sinner saved by the grace of God’.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Abbreviations x
Illustrations xi
Biographical Table xv
Introduction xix
A Decade of Surprises, 1939-49
1 War 3
2 The Message for the Hour 21
3 Inside the Family 37
4 A Leader in Britain 57
5 New Agencies 81
6 Westminster Chapel, 1943-44 99
7 The Year 1945 125
8 Overseas Visits, 1946-48 143
9 The Rebuilding of a Congregation 161
10 ‘Last of the Calvinistic Preachers’ 183
11 Wales and the Summer of 1949 201
When the Tide Turned, the 1950’s
12 A New Generation and New Thought 225
13 Sunday Mornings in the 1950’s 251
14 Summer Travels 275
15 The Changing Religious Scene 297
16 Evangelism 323
17 ‘Great Purposes of Grace’ 345
18 1959 and the Burden for Revival 369
19 The Ministry of Others 391
20 Pastoral Counselling 403
Sifting Times
21 Unity: Ecumenical or Evangelical? 427
22 Conversations and Journeys 453
23 Cross Winds 473
24 1965: The Approaching Crisis 495
25 1966: The Call to Decision 513
26 Controversy 535
27 Controversy: An Assessment 553
28 The End of an Era 569
Working for an Evangelical Succession
29 The Last Visit to America 599
30 A World Pulpit 629
31 Understanding in the 1970’s 655
32 ‘Rejoice in the Lord Always’ 673
33 A Pastor of Pastors 697
34 Keeping On 715
35 ‘Dying … He Worshipped’ 729
36 ‘The Best of Men … ’ 753
1 A Personal Letter 781
2 Miraculous Healing 785
3 Dr Lloyd-Jones on Audio 789
4 Dr James Packer and Anglican Evangelicalism 793
5 Tapes 797
6 Bibliography of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones 799
Index 811


Submit your testimonial

  1. Martijn de Groot

    Maybe you have read a couple of books of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and you wonder why he emphasizes this or that topic. In this volume you can read in what kind of fight he was engaged, a fight of faith. What struck me the most while reading this book, is the lonely position of Lloyd-Jones in his own time. He stood, where many fell. And we still reap the benefits of his standing for the Truth. I think this is one of the reasons why John MacArthur says: “When the final chapter of church history is written, I believe the Doctor will stand as one of the greatest preachers of all time.”

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