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Showing 13–24 of 62 resultsSorted by latest

Book Description It was said of Robert Bruce that ‘no man in his time spake with such evidence and power of the Spirit’. One is certainly left with that impression after reading The Way to True Peace and Rest, his six sermons on Isaiah 38, a chapter that records the illness that afflicted King Hezekiah […]

The Crook in the Lot
The Sovereignty and Wisdom of God, in the Afflictions of Men Displayed
Book Description Thomas Boston (1676-1732) was a remarkable Scottish theologian and pastor. His Works run to 12 volumes and contain some lengthy theological treatises. But Boston also wrote brief, very accessible, and pastoral books, and chief among these is the quaintly titled, The Crook in the Lot: The Sovereignty and Wisdom of God, in the […]

Endorsement ‘Christians today need not only the truth and comfort Sibbes offers here; they need his heartfelt delight so that they live for no other end than the very glory of God.’ — MICHAEL REEVES Book Description A Heavenly Conference is Richard Sibbes’ exposition of the memorable meeting that took place on the first Easter […]

Christ Set Forth
As the Cause of Justification and as the Object of Justifying Faith
*New retypeset edition* Endorsements ‘Turning to nearly any page in this volume, readers will be rewarded with a remarkably pastoral theology of justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.’ — MICHAEL HORTON Book Description First published in 1642, Christ Set Forth — one of Thomas Goodwin’s most beloved and enduring works — […]

The True Bounds of Christian Freedom is a clear, scriptural exposition of the place of the law in the life of the Christian. 264pp.

This new edition for the 350th anniversary of the ‘Farewell Sunday’ in August 1662 when 2000 ministers left the national church for conscience’ sake is also a fine introduction to Puritan preaching. 280pp.

Resisted and Repulsed, Abridged and made easy to read by Richard Rushing
Owen’s penetrating teaching opens up areas of need in our hearts, but also brings profound assurances of grace in Jesus Christ. 128pp.

Owen calls the church back to divine certainty and divine resources, showing that it is the Holy Spirit who convinces, assures, teaches, comforts and equips the church and its members for their work. 208pp.

Practical and biblical ways to remedy the spiritual disease of a spirit of discontentment. Marked by sanity, clarity, aptness of illustration, and warmth of appeal to the heart. 232pp.

This practical and helpful book shows the need for Christians to engage in a life-long battle against remaining sin, and that the fight can be won only through faith in Christ and in the power of the Spirit. 144pp.

Learning in Christ’s School
Babes, Children, Youth, and Fathers
A unique account of growth in grace in ‘Christ’s school’. 304pp.

In these four studies from the life of King Josiah (2 Chron. 34:26–28), the ‘heavenly doctor’ Sibbes shows that true reformation must begin in the heart, with love for Christ. 192pp.
Showing 13–24 of 62 resultsSorted by latest