Books for Godly Fathers

A godly father is one who leads his family well in the worship of the Triune God. He is one who brings up his children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord — one who loves his wife as Christ loved the church and gave his life for her. The life of a godly father causes his children to say with John G. Paton, ‘He walked with God, why may not I?’

In order to lead his family well in encouraging, comforting, and urging them to live lives worthy of God, a father needs to be properly equipped. For one week, we’ve given special prices to the hand-picked books below to aid fathers in their work. These books are in three categories: books on parenting (Thoughts For Young Men and Catechizing Our Children), on being a godly man (Following Jesus and The Godly Man’s Picture), and examples of godly men (John Elias and Heroes). We hope these categories will help you as you shop for a father this week.

Think of the men of God in your life and consider giving them a good Christian book that will encourage and equip them as spiritual leaders this year, and in the years to come.


Following Jesus

The Essentials of Christian Discipleship

by Andrew M. Randall

price From: £6.75
Avg. Rating


Endorsements ‘Standing in the great tradition of preachers who were once lawyers, Andrew Randall skilfully unfolds from Scripture ‘the truth . . . and nothing but the truth’ about what it means to be a Christian. Fresh and compelling, shrewd and honest, winsome and reliable, Following Jesus is exactly the kind of book every young […]

Cover image for 'Thoughts for Young Men' by JC Ryle
price From: £3.00
Avg. Rating


EndorsementsRead More ↓ ‘[Ryle’s writings are] a distillation of true Puritan theology presented in a highly readable and modern form.’ — D. MARTYN LLOYD-JONES ‘I see [Ryle] as a single-minded Christian communicator of profound biblical, theological, and practical wisdom, a man and minister of giant personal stature and electric force of utterance that sympathetic readers […]

price From: £4.50
Avg. Rating


Book Description Communicating the faith to children is one of the great responsibilities of Christian parents. In this book, Terry Johnson, a father as well as a pastor, shows how the Shorter Catechism can be of great help to parents facing this vital task. Many generations of Christian parents have found the Westminster Shorter Catechism […]


John Elias

Life, Letters and Essays

by Edward Morgan

price £14.50
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This account by Edward Morgan traces the life and ministry of Elias from his first religious impressions until the day when 10, 000 attended his funeral in Anglessey, the scene of most of his labours. 432pp.


The Godly Man’s Picture

Some Characteristic Marks of a Man Who is Going to Heaven

by Thomas Watson

price From: £4.80
Avg. Rating


Some Characteristic Marks of a Man who is Going to Heaven’. 256pp.

price From: £10.00
Avg. Rating


Iain Murray writes on specific aspects of some of the Christians he particularly admires from past years. Most space is given to little-known figures, such as Robert Kalley and William Hewitson, missionaries to Madeira, and Charles and Mary Colcock Jones of Georgia. 320pp.