7 Volume Set
243 in stock
Weight | 12.08 lbs |
Dimensions | 8.8 × 5.75 × 10.25 in |
ISBN | 9780851516196 |
Binding | Cloth-bound |
Topic | Biblical Studies |
Original Pub Date | 1684 |
Banner Pub Date | Jun 1, 1991 |
Page Count | 3,966 |
Scripture | Hebrews |
Format | Book |
Set | Hebrews |
‘. . .a work of gigantic strength as well as gigantic size; and he who hath mastered it is very little short, both in respect to the doctrinal and practical of Christianity, of being an erudite and accomplished theologian.’ – Thomas Chalmers, 19th Century Scottish Minister and Statesman
‘This massive commentary on the Letter to the Hebrews is not so much a series to consult as one to study. The first two volumes are, in effect, a series of essays addressing issues raised in the course of the letter. These introduce the book as a whole, and then cover everything from the prophecies of Daniel to the matter of the Sabbath and the Lord’s day. The remaining five volumes are a careful and thoughtful consideration of the text of Hebrews. Owen covers the territory thoroughly, even relentlessly, sometimes answering questions the reader never knew he might have, let alone needed answering! The result is a profound and penetrating contemplation of Christ Jesus as the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, presented to us not merely for inspection but for meditation and adoration. There is nothing shallow or narrow here. Owen’s treatment of the text defies mere skimming and demands real soaking. For those who want to dive rather than dip, for those willing to labour for understanding, Owen remains a masterful guide.’ – Jeremy Walker, Pastor, Maidenbower Baptist Church
Book Description
John Owen here analyses the text of Hebrews with care and provides a judicious interpretation which shows an impressive familiarity with a wide range of biblical scholarship. He also provides rich practical applications.
John Owen (1616-1683) was probably the greatest systematic theologian of the British Puritans, yet such was his depth of Christian wisdom and discernment that he also excelled in pastoral and spiritual theology. Common to his stature in both of these areas was his understanding of Scripture. While this is evident throughout his writings, it is in his massive exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews that the range of his knowledge and the depth of his exegetical powers are most evident. Here he analyses the text with care and provides a judicious interpretation which shows an impressive familiarity with a wide range of biblical scholarship.
In addition, following the classical Puritan method of commentary with its constant concern for Christian living, he provides rich practical applications. Thus in a balanced way, Owen addresses both mind and heart. Written with the reverent spirit of a scholar-pastor whose stated aim in his ministry was ‘to promote holiness’, Owen’s study of Hebrews is one of the great classical commentaries of the Christian Church.
- Volume 1: Concerning the Epistle to the Hebrews, Concerning the Messiah, Concerning the Jewish Church (548pp)
- Volume 2: The Sacerdotal Office of Christ, A Day of Sacred Rest, Summary of Observations on Hebrews (546pp)
- Volume 3: Exposition of Hebrews, 1:1–3:6 (572 pp)
- Volume 4: Exposition of Hebrews, 3:7–5:14 (604pp)
- Volume 5: Exposition of Hebrews, 6:1–7:28 (580pp)
- Volume 6: Exposition of Hebrews, 8:1–10:39 (593pp)
- Volume 7: Exposition of Hebrews, 11:1–13:25 (524pp)
Table of Contents Expand ↓
VOLUME 1 | ||
Exercitations on the Epistle to the Hebrews | ||
General Preface by the Editor | vii | |
The Epistle Dedicatory | 3 | |
Prefatory Notices | 5 | |
Part I: Concerning the Epistle to the Hebrews | ||
I | The canonical authority of the Epistle to the Hebrews | 25 |
- Subsidiary Note by the Editor | 64 | |
II | Of the penman of the Epistle to the Hebrews | 65 |
- Subsidiary Note by the Editor | 92 | |
III | The time [and occasion] of the writing of the Epistle to the Hebrews | 96 |
- Subsidiary Note by the Editor | 102 | |
IV | The language wherein the Epistle to the Hebrews was originally written | 102 |
- Subsidiary Note by the Editor | 105 | |
V | Testimonies cited by the apostle out of the Old Testament | 106 |
- Subsidiary Note by th Editor | 117 | |
- Supplementary Note by the Editor, on the question to whom the Epistle was written | 118 | |
VI | Oneness of the church | 119 |
VII | Of the Judaical distribution of the Old Testament | 125 |
Part II: Concerning the Messiah | ||
VIII | The first dissertation concerning the Messiah, proving him to be promised of old | 141 |
IX | Promises of the Messiah vindicated | 185 |
X | Appearances of the Son of God under the old testament | 215 |
XI | Faith of the ancient church of the Jews concerning the Messiah | 233 |
XII | [Second dissertaion]–The promised Messiah long since come | 262 |
XIII | Other testimonies proving the Messiah to be come | 283 |
XIV | Daniel’s prophecy vindicated | 305 |
XV | Computation of Daniel’s weeks | 332 |
XVI | Jewish traditions about the coming of the Messiah | 349 |
XVII | The third general dissertation, proving Jesus of Nazareth to be the only true and promised Messiah | 367 |
XVIII | Jews’ objections against Christian religion answered | 424 |
Part III: Concerning the Institutions of the Jewish Church Referred to in the Epistle | ||
XIX | State and ordinances of the church before the giving of the law | 446 |
XX | The law and precepts thereof | 480 |
XXI | The sanction of the law in promises and threatenings | 499 |
XXII | Of the tabernacle and ark | 512 |
XXIII | Of the office of the priesthood | 520 |
XXIV | Sacrifices of the old law | 527 |
VOLUME 2 | ||
Exercitations on the Epistle to the Hebrews | ||
Part IV: Concerning the Sacerdotal Office of Christ | ||
XXV | The office of priesthood | 3 |
XXVI | Of the origin of the priesthood of Christ | 14 |
XXVII | The original of the priesthood of Christ in the counsel of God | 42 |
XXVIII | Federal transactions between the Father and the Son | 77 |
XXIX | The necessity of the priesthood of Christ on the supposition of sin and grace | 97 |
XXX | The necessity of the priesthood of Christ on the supposition of sin and grace | 132 |
XXXI | The nature of the priesthood of Christ | 139 |
XXXII | The nature of the priesthood of Christ | 167 |
XXXIII | Of the acts of the priesthood of Christ, their object, with the time and place of its exercise | 194 |
XXXIV | Prefigurations of the priesthood and sacrifice of Christ, An advertisement to the reader | 259 |
Part V: Concerning a Day of Sacred Rest | ||
To the Reader | 263 | |
I | Differences concerning of a day of sacred rest—Principles directing to the observance of it—The name of the day considered | 265 |
II | Of the original of the Sabbath | 286 |
III | Of the causes of the Sabbath | 326 |
IV | Of the Judicial Sabbath | 385 |
V | Of the Lord’s Day | 403 |
VI | The practical observance of the Lord’s Day | 437 |
Summary of Observations, Drawn from the Exposition of the Epistle | ||
Chapters I., II. Pre-eminent dignity of Christ, both absolutely and comparatively—His superiority to angels | 461 | |
Chapters IIII., IV. 1–13. Christ’s superiority to Moses, the agent in founding the old dispensation | 467 | |
Chapters IV. 14–16, V.-VIII. Superiority of Christ as priest to the Levitical priesthood, from the analogy of his office with that of Melchisedec, and other considerations | 476 | |
Chapters IX., X. 1–18. Superiority of Christ’s priesthood from the superior value of his sacrifice | 498 | |
Chapters X. 19–39, XI. The obligation, advantage, and necessity of steadfast adherence to the gospel inferred and urged from the preceding doctrines, and from the triumphs of faith as exemplified by the saints | 509 | |
Chapters XII., XIII. Exhortations to perseverance in all Christian duty | 529 | |
VOLUME 3 | ||
An Exposition of Hebrews 1:1–3:6 | ||
VOLUME 4 | ||
An Exposition of Hebrews 3:7–5:14 | ||
VOLUME 5 | ||
An Exposition of Hebrews 6:1–7:28 | ||
VOLUME 6 | ||
An Exposition of Hebrews 8:1–10:39 | ||
VOLUME 7 | ||
An Exposition of Hebrews 11:1-13:25 |
More items to consider:

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels
7 Volume Set
In his massive exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Owen’s range of knowledge and the depth of his exegetical powers are most evident. Following the classical Puritan method, he provides careful analysis, judicious interpretation and rich practical application and thus, in a balanced way, addresses both mind and heart. One of the great classical commentaries of the Christian church. Approx. 560pp per volume.

In his massive exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Owen’s range of knowledge and the depth of his exegetical powers are most evident. Following the classical Puritan method, he provides careful analysis, judicious interpretation and rich practical application and thus, in a balanced way, addresses both mind and heart. One of the great classical commentaries of the Christian church. Approx. 560pp per volume.

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels
Volume 6: John Part 2 - Chapters 7-12
In his massive exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Owen’s range of knowledge and the depth of his exegetical powers are most evident. Following the classical Puritan method, he provides careful analysis, judicious interpretation and rich practical application and thus, in a balanced way, addresses both mind and heart. One of the great classical commentaries of the Christian church. Approx. 560pp per volume.
Richard C Ross –
John Owen’s exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews is incomparable. There is no other commentary on a single book of Scripture equivalent to it and emphatically none that surpass it for depth of scholarship, range of research, spiritual perception, literary empathy, sensitivity to the intention of the Holy Spirit or reverent humility before the Word of God. Its superlative qualities make recommendation superfluous.
My thanks and appreciation for the books I ordered during the recent special offer; the books and packing were of the highest excellence. I first acquired the set of John Owen and John Flavel as a teenager, in the initial reprint by Banner. But circumstances forced me to part with them. I’m deeply grateful that now they are back on my shelves, at a much later stage in my life.
There surely has never been a body of men since the Apostles who together have felt a greater passion to advance the glory of Christ than the mainstream Puritan preachers. Their company will be invaluable during what I anticipate to be the final stages of my ‘race’.