Originally published: 2008
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Explains and defends the Bible’s teaching about the grace of God in the gospel. 32pp.
The Let’s Study series of commentaries are concerned with the ways in which the teaching of Scripture can affect and transform our lives today. Understanding the Bible’s message and applying its teaching are the aims—exposition of Scripture written in the language of a friend, seated alongside with an open Bible. A Group Study Guide is included in each volume.
La Verdad en Nuestro Mundo, Sermones Prácticos Sobre Temas Vigentes
Volume 3: Truth in our World
Book Description Con profundo gozo y gran satisfacción presentamos el tercer volumen de sermones del Dr. Juan Samul Boonstra (1926-1995), destacado predicador y radiolocutor argentino. Los sesenta sermones aquí presentados son solamente una muestra de las múltiples exposiciones biblicas que el Dr. Boonstra predicó por la radio a través del programa La Hora de la Reforma […]
In 13 short Bible studies, shows what the Christian’s perspective on sickness and suffering ought to be. 96pp.
A Wrestler with God
Chantry draws out themes that are timely, challenging, but ultimately full of comfort. 112pp.
Of assistance to individuals and groups in reading John Owen’s Puritan Paperback on this vital subject. 48pp.
John Carrick, a professor at Greenville Theological Seminary, explores the theology, application, content, style, structure, motive, delivery, literary features, logic and legacy of Edwards’ preaching. 480pp.
Messenger of Grace
Concentrates on the themes of true preaching, the place of full assurance of salvation, and Lloyd-Jones’ understanding of the church. With new material, and an audio CD of Lloyd-Jones preaching. 288pp.
Olyott supplies wise practical advice on two vitally important acts of our corporate church worship. 24pp.
The Cross
The Pulpit of God's Love
Helps us to think through the message of the cross, and to appreciate God’s love and justice in the death of Christ. 48pp.
Christ and the Future
The Bible’s Teaching About the Last Things
A Christ-centred summary of the Bible’s teaching about the last things. An abridgement of the author’s The Promise of the Future. 240pp.
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