The following expositions from the Bible cover a variety of books from the bible and therefore cover a broad scope of Christian living. Some of the titles here are more of a topical nature, but most of them cover a large section of scripture and seek to expositionally work through various passages. Classic sermons from preachers such as Robert Murray M’Cheyne, John Calvin, Thomas Watson and D Martyn Lloyd-Jones can be found on this page. Noteworthy titles include The Great Gain of Godliness, Saved by Grace Alone and Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ 14 volume Romans Series.
Showing 25–36 of 140 resultsSorted by latest

‘The best thought-breeder in all our library’ — Spurgeon. 1240pp.

Sermons on Job Volume 1 (eBook)
Volume One: Chapters 1-14
EBOOK ONLY – For the printed set, see Sermons on Job. Also available, Sermons on Job, Volume 2 (eBook only) and Sermons on Job, Volume 3 (eBook only) Endorsement ‘Dr Rob Roy McGregor’s translations of Calvin’s sermons have been received with great enthusiasm and gratitude.’ — DEREK THOMAS Book Description The name of John Calvin […]

Calvin’s Sermons Set
3 Volume Set
This Gift Pak includes: ‘Commentary on the Psalms’, ‘Songs of the Nativity’, and ‘Faith Unfeigned’.

The Beatitudes
An exposition of Matthew 5:1-10
Endorsements ‘What announces itself as an exposition of Matthew 5:1-10 turns out to be a digest of all the central Puritan teaching on the Christian life. The Beatitudes are treated as mineshafts into the whole economy of grace , as indeed they are.’ — J.I. PACKER Book Description The opening verses of the best-known of all […]

This God Our God
Creator, Judge, Saviour
Book Description A companion volume to The Face of Jesus Christ, this new selection of sermons by Archibald G. Brown concentrate on the Bible’s teaching about God as Creator, Judge, and Saviour. Preached during the course of his long ministry in London, these sermons were heard by thousands and then read avidly by multitudes who prized […]

Book Description En este último volumen de Cristianismo auténtico, el Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones muestra la pertinencia para los lectores modernos de los acontecimientos documentados en Hechos 8: 1-35. Aquí vemos como la persecución que surgió tras el martirio de Esteban condujo a una prodigiosa propagación del evangelio por Samaria y, a través de la conversión […]

His Arms Were Made Strong
Direct, refreshing and helpful lessons from the life of Joseph, spiritually beneficial to both young and old. 280pp.

This new edition for the 350th anniversary of the ‘Farewell Sunday’ in August 1662 when 2000 ministers left the national church for conscience’ sake is also a fine introduction to Puritan preaching. 280pp.

Sermons on Genesis
Chapters 1 - 11
Modern translations by Dr Rob Roy McGregor of sermons preached by Calvin in 1559-1560. Suitable for Christians at all levels of spiritual development. 888pp.

The Death of the Saviour
Studies in John's Gospel
In seven short studies in the nineteenth chapter of John’s Gospel, the author takes a fresh look at the amazing story of the death of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 104pp.

Sermones Del Año De Avivamiento
Revival Year Sermons
Book Description Los sermones que se incluyen en este libro fueron todos predicados en el Surrey Music Hall (Londres, 1859) y son típicos de los muchos que se predicaron allí. En ellos se encontrará la razón que explica el extraordinario éxito que en todo tiempo acompañó al ministerio de Spurgeon. ¿Qué es lo que reunía […]

Learning in Christ’s School
Babes, Children, Youth, and Fathers
A unique account of growth in grace in ‘Christ’s school’. 304pp.
Showing 25–36 of 140 resultsSorted by latest