Charles Hodge Books

cover image for The Way Of Life by Charles Hodge

The Way of Life

Christian Belief and Experience

by Charles Hodge

price From: $12.00
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Book Description ‘It is one of the clearest principles of Divine revelation, that holiness is the fruit of truth; and it is one of the plainest inferences from that principle, that the exhibition of the truth is the best means of promoting holiness. Christians regard the word of God as the only infallible teacher of […]

Cover image for Hebrews by Charles Hodge
price From: $10.00


Endorsements ‘Hodge’s method and matter make him doubly useful in commenting. He is singularly clear, and a great promoter of thought…The more we use Hodge the more we value him.’ — C. H. SPURGEON ‘One always turns to Hodge’s commentaries with great confidence, for in him there is that perfect blending of theology, scholarship and […]

Book Cover For 'II Corintias'

Commentario II Corintios

Commentary on 2 Corinthians

by Charles Hodge

price Original price was: $9.00.Current price is: $8.10.


Book Description No cabe duda que en los últimos años los avances en los estudios bíblicos han producido una explosión de comentarios bíblicos de alto nivel y de excelente calidad. Sin embargo, hay clásicos que se levantan erguidos sin que el tiempo los dañe. Este es precisamente el caso de los comentarios de Charles Hodge. De […]

Romans Commentary by Charles Hodge
price Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $25.20.
Avg. Rating


One of the few truly great works on this Epistle, first published in its final version in 1864 by the great Princeton scholar. 464pp.

Book Cover For 'Ephesians'
price Original price was: $22.00.Current price is: $19.80.


Hodge constantly communicates the sense and overall argument of the passage. 320pp.

1 & 2 Corinthians Commentary by Charles Hodge
price Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $27.00.
Avg. Rating


Singluarly clear, without the technicalities of critical opinion, sets out what the words mean and the effect which their truth should have upon the conscience and life. 716pp.

Princeton Sermons

Princeton Sermons

Outlines of Discourses, Doctrinal and Practical

by Charles Hodge

price Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $25.20.


Hodge (1797-1878) was for over 50 years a professor at Princeton. This book contains the outlines of addresses given by him to students on Sunday afternoons, when they gathered in the Oratory. 400pp.