Books on Salvation
Showing 25–36 of 148 resultsSorted by latest

Marching to Zion
Ancient Psalms for Modern Pilgrims
Book Description The Psalms of Ascents (Psalms 120-134) were sung by Israelites as they made their way to Jerusalem for the annual feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. As pilgrim songs, they provide a way for believers to express their fears, needs, and aspirations as they journey through this life. These psalms are also the […]

Book Description Gospel means ‘good news’. It is good news from God, about his Son Jesus Christ, for a world of perishing sinners, offering eternal life as a free gift, to be received by faith alone (John 3:16). But the gospel does so much more than rescue us from hell and save us for heaven. […]

I Shall Not Die, But Live
Facing Death With Gospel Hope
Endorsements ‘…a powerful testimony to the Lord’s grace through suffering.’ — TIM CHALLIES ‘We warmly commend this book to comfort the hearts of those who have but a little while longer on this earth. Pastors, busy with visiting church members and others in difficulty, often inquire as to where they may point those who need […]

Devoted to God is a fresh approach to an always relevant subject, and a working manual to which the Christian can turn again and again for biblical instruction and spiritual direction.

The Doctrine of Justification
An outline of its history in the Church and of its exposition from Scripture
‘The value of this book today is that it will help us to understand this message better, and so to preach it in [a] full and comprehensive way..’ -PACKER

Beginning with the work of Christ at Calvary, Murray proceeds to a moving and masterly account of how that redemption comes to expression in Christian experience. ‘One of the greatest theological books written in the last hundred years’ [Free Church Witness]. Reset edition 2009. 200pp.

‘The best thought-breeder in all our library’ — Spurgeon. 1240pp.

La Salvaciòn, La Biblia y El Catolicismo Romano
Salvation, the Bible & Roman Catholicism
¿Por qué hay iglesias católicas y protestantes ? ¿Hay alguna razón por un desacuerdo sobre la doctrina que tuvo lugar hace casi 500 años debe seguir dividir a la gente hoy en día? Es no es el caso de que los católicos romanos y protestantes creen básicamente las mismas cosas ? En La Salvación, La […]

Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots
Endorsements ‘A book I think every Christian should read. It is so readable, so accessible, a very simple style of presentation, but absolutely forceful, and discerning. Every time I read it the Lord uses it to press upon me the importance and the possibility of holiness. It’s one of those books that makes you feel […]

No hay otro Evangelio
No Other Gospel
Book Description En el prologo del primer volumen del New Park Street Pulpit , de cuya coleccion provienen los sermones de este libro , , Spurgeon decia: ‘Recurrimos con frecuencia a la palabra calvinismo por designar esta corta palabra aquella parte de la verdad divina que ensena que la salvacion es solo por gracia.’ Y […]

The Christian’s Great Enemy
A Practical Exposition of I Peter 5:8-11
Endorsement ‘The republication of John Brown’s brief and readable study of “The Christian’s Great Enemy” is both timely and helpful. For younger Christians it will provide a pocket manual for spiritual warfare. At the same time it will serve as a refresher course for more seasoned Christians who are aware of their own weakness and […]

This God Our God
Creator, Judge, Saviour
Book Description A companion volume to The Face of Jesus Christ, this new selection of sermons by Archibald G. Brown concentrate on the Bible’s teaching about God as Creator, Judge, and Saviour. Preached during the course of his long ministry in London, these sermons were heard by thousands and then read avidly by multitudes who prized […]
Showing 25–36 of 148 resultsSorted by latest