Books on Scripture
Showing 1–12 of 20 resultsSorted by latest
The Final Word
A Biblical Response to the Case for Tongues and Prophecy Today
Argues from Scripture that preoccupation with tongues and prophecy shows a failure to grasp the fulness of New Testament privileges. Christ himself is the ‘Final Word’. 174pp.
Book Description According to J. C. Ryle, next to praying there is nothing so important in practical religion as Bible reading. God in his mercy has given us a book ‘which is able to make us wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus’ (2 Tim. 3:15). By reading the Bible we may […]
The Bible
God’s Inerrant Word
Book Description This mini-guide to the Bible provides an entry point for those who know little about the ‘Book of books’; but it does so in a way that encourages those who know it better to explore it more fully. Banner Mini-Guides Banner Mini-Guides introduce the reader to some of the major themes and issues […]
Rhett Dodson Bundle
2 Volume Set
Book Description We’ve put this special bundle together to encourage you to read an author that might be new to you. We believe that though Rhett Dodson is still living, he writes with a depth that we often associate with authors from long ago. And so we think it would be worth your time in […]
Book Description Preaching is the lifeblood of the Christian church. In every age God has used the proclamation of his word to bring men and women to repentance and faith in Christ, and to help them grow in grace. Throughout his long ministry in Geneva (1536–38, 1541–64), Calvin was a tireless preacher. He spoke of […]
Saved By Grace Alone
Sermons on Ezekiel 36:16-36
Book Description The fourteen sermons contained in Saved By Grace Alone were preached in Westminster Chapel, London, on Sunday evenings between 15 April and 15 July 1956. They are a fine example of preaching evangelistically from a consecutive passage of the Old Testament. While they are firmly based on the meaning of the Scripture text […]
Marching to Zion
Ancient Psalms for Modern Pilgrims
Book Description The Psalms of Ascents (Psalms 120-134) were sung by Israelites as they made their way to Jerusalem for the annual feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. As pilgrim songs, they provide a way for believers to express their fears, needs, and aspirations as they journey through this life. These psalms are also the […]
Endorsement ‘Calvin brings a depth of pastoral insight into his preaching — Calvin became a theologian to be a better pastor. He believed that all pastors should be theologians, and the only virtue of being, for him, a better theologian was to be a more effective pastor, and 1 Timothy is a book in holy […]
NEW REPRINT Book Description To J. C. Ryle, the inspiration of the Scriptures was ‘the very keel and foundation of Christianity’. But is all Scripture inspired? Are the very words and expressions from God, or does inspiration mean something less than this? Ryle was convinced that the very words were from God, and that only […]
Let us call upon our good God and Father, since all fullness of wisdom and light is found in him, mercifully to enlighten us by his Holy Spirit in the true understanding of his word, and to give us grace to receive it in true fear and humility. May we be taught by his word […]
From the Mouth of God
Trusting, Reading and Applying the Bible
Book Description THE BIBLE, Why should we believe, as Jesus did, that it is ‘the mouth of God’? When did it come into existence? Is it inerrant? What do we need to learn in order to understand it better? How does its teaching change our lives? In From the Mouth of God, Sinclair B […]
Careful analysis of the biblical teaching on such issues as revelation, translation, creation, prophecy and the role of women in the church. 312pp.
Showing 1–12 of 20 resultsSorted by latest