The Christian’s Great Enemy

A Practical Exposition of I Peter 5:8-11

Weight 0.11 kg
Dimensions 18.1 × 12.1 × 0.8 cm
ISBN 9781848713086

Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)



Page Count



1 Peter

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Dec 10, 2013


‘The republication of John Brown’s brief and readable study of “The Christian’s Great Enemy” is both timely and helpful. For younger Christians it will provide a pocket manual for spiritual warfare. At the same time it will serve as a refresher course for more seasoned Christians who are aware of their own weakness and forgetfulness.’– SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON

Book Description

First Peter 5:8-11 is a most important portion of Scripture that warns Christians to be ever vigilant because of their enemy the devil. He is said to be like a ‘roaring lion’, prowling around seeking someone to devour. This book is a practical exposition of the Apostle Peter’s words written by an experienced pastor. Its aim is to inform Christians of their duty in reference to their ‘great enemy’ and to encourage them to resist him while standing firm in the faith.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Foreword by Sinclair B Ferguson vii
Introduction 1
Part I The Christian’s Great Enemy 7
1 Who is he? 7
2 What is he? 9
Part II The Christian’s Duty in Reference to His Great Enemy 27
1 What the Christian must do to his great enemy 27
2 What the Christian is to do that he may resist his great enemy 34
Part III The Christian’s Encouragement to Perform His Duty in Reference to His Great Enemy 45
1 The encouraging fact 45
2 The faithful promise 50
Part IV Conclusion 81



Submit your testimonial

  1. Nicholas HARVEY

    John Brown gives an excellent exposition of these verses a man who knows our enemy well from solid biblical teaching.I would say young or old you need to read this keep your self vigilant, and those who have been through the fiery trials a great encouragement

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