Marching to Zion

Ancient Psalms for Modern Pilgrims

Weight 0.347 kg
Dimensions 18.8 × 12.7 × 2.4 cm
ISBN 9781848717923

Cloth-bound, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Cloth-bound & eBook (ePub & Kindle)



Page Count



Faith, Scripture, Christian Living



Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Aug 14, 2017

Book Description

The Psalms of Ascents (Psalms 120-134) were sung by Israelites as they made their way to Jerusalem for the annual feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. As pilgrim songs, they provide a way for believers to express their fears, needs, and aspirations as they journey through this life.

These psalms are also the songs of Jesus. In Marching to Zion you will discover how these ancient songs of Israel affect our faith today, point us to the future, and help keep our eyes on Christ every step of the way.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Preface ix
1 Fighting the Good Fight—Psa 120 1
2 The Pilgrim’s Assurance—Psa 121 21
3 O Jerusalem!—Psa 122 37
4 Look Heavenward, Christian!—Psa 123 51
5 What If …?—Psa 124 67
6 Like Zion—Psa 125 83
7 Already, but Not Yet—Psa 126 99
8 Empty and Full—Psa 127 115
9 Your Blessed Life Now—Psa 128 131
10 God’s Victory over Evil—Psa 129 147
11 Out of the Depths—Psa 130 163
12 Stressed!—Psa 131 179
13 Seeking God’s Presence—Psa 132:1-10 199
14 Experiencing God’s Presence—Psa 132:11-18 213
15 The Beauty of Unity—Psa 133 229
16 Blessing Given and Received—Psa 134 243


Submit your testimonial

  1. Jacob Lamb

    A phenomenal christocentric take on the Psalms of Ascents (Psalms 120-134), and how we as Christians may echo their messages today in our pain, suffering, joy and peace. Dodson gives practical life application in each chapter, always keeping the center of attention on the Lord.

  2. Andrew Bingham

    I’ve always been attracted to the idea behind the Psalms of Ascents (Psalm 120-134). Songs that the Israelites sang on their way to the Temple, before “worship” started. Songs that prepared their hearts. Songs that sustained them on their journey. I really like this book – it’s helping me see how these songs can be good for me too. Songs that prepare my heart for heaven. Songs that sustain me until I am there.

  3. Nathan Morgan

    This lovely little volume has been encouraging to launch into. I’ve recently realized that good preaching makes for a great read. Rhett Dodson expertly shows that these Psalms really are for all of God’s pilgrim people, sweetly applying each to the Christian life.

  4. Nicholas Hart

    This has been a tremendous blessing thus far. This book has teachings on what we know as the Psalm of Ascents…Psalms 120-134. In reading Chapter two of this book I have been reminded that all Christians are on their way to the heavenly Jerusalem and that although we go through various trials and hardships The Good Shepherd the Lord Jesus Christ will safely bring all of his children home. I can’t recommend enough the quality of this book as well as many other books that I’ve read from Banner of Truth.

  5. Anthony Muzzarelli

    As we journey, God is always by our side, working for our good, and powerful enough for that to matter. He’s got this – he’s got you. I’ve enjoyed reading this encouraging collection, that managed to be both pastoral and devotional – that is, it challenged me to change and encouraged me for the road. If you could use the same, check out ‘Marching to Zion’.

  6. Stephen Unthank

    A wonderful volume of meditations on the Psalms of Ascents, by pastor, author, and sartorially gifted theologian Rhett Dodson. If you enjoy reading books aloud to people, like I do, then this book is particularly suited for such endeavors as each chapter seeks to understand and apply the riches found in Psalms 120 through 134.

  7. Brown Peterson

    Where Dodson pastorally reflects on the Psalms of Ascents (Psalm 120-134). Each chapter is dedicated to one of these Psalms, understood in historical context, clearly laid out exegetically, point to Christ and applied to modern day reader. Hopefully a gift many will enjoy!

  8. Tyler Shores

    I have really enjoyed this book called Marching to Zion. The aim of Dodson’s book is to walk readers through Psalms 120-134 and his insights are practical and helpful. My favorite part so far has been the chapter on Psalm 131. If you are interested in learning more about the Psalms I would recommend you give it a read.

  9. Mary Biggs

    I hesitate to apply the word “devotional” to this book because it’s so often attached to shallow, borderline heretical, or overly gooey content. The opposite is true of dense theology texts—if you’ve been working on your foundation for awhile, they’re thrilling, but they (like anything) come across as dry or overwhelming to those who have just begun to build. Marching To Zion is written in language accessible to the ordinary person without sacrificing substance. Connects themes and ideas in each psalm cross-Scripturally to enhance understanding and give a fuller picture of the meaning. Reading these words brought me to tears more than once without spoon feeding me the kind of emotional goop that makes me crazy.

  10. KaTsun Tsang

    Dodson does an incredible job going through the Psalms of Ascents. It can easily be read in one sitting or used devotionally. His clear and concise exposition with various illustrations glancing at church history makes this a particularly enjoyable read. It is as if you were on a pilgrimage with the psalmists themselves.

  11. David Barger

    Thank you, Dr. Dodson.

    I have enjoyed your book on the Psalms of Ascent. You have shown how these Psalms are applicable to our own lives.

    The chapter on Psalm 130 was especially helpful.

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