The Collected Writings of James Henley Thornwell

4 Volume Set

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ISBN 9780851511979


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Of these Collected Writings of James Henley Thornwell, the first volume may properly be entitled Theological, the second, Theological and Ethical, the third, Theological and Controversial, and the fourth, Ecclesiological.

Volume 1: Theological
The [first] volume contains sixteen lectures in theology. All these constitute his discussion of that portion of theology which relates to God and to moral government essentially considered, or to the same as modified by the Covenant of Works. To this volume, by way of appendix, are added his Inaugural Discourse, his Questions on the Lectures to his classes, his Analysis of Calvin’s Institutes and his examination questions thereupon. The next volume will discuss that portion of theology which relates to moral government as modified by the Covenant of Grace. These two volumes are not a treatise on theology written by our distinguished professor, but consist of all that he left behind him upon those topics, gathered together since his decease by the hand of friendship, and systematized as well as possible according to his conception of the science of theology.

Volume 2: Theological and Ethical
The sixteen lectures may be reckoned his very latest productions. Upon some of the topics in the second volume, what we have to present the reader will be some of his earlier writings; there is not one of them, however, but bears the same impressive genius—not one of them but his instinct with the same unction of the Spirit of truth and love. Accompanying what the second volume will contain upon the Doctrines of Grace, there will be found a partial discussion of the morals which necessarily flow out of those doctrines.

Volume 3: Theological and Controversial
The third volume will contain an elaborate discussion of the canon, the authority of Scripture, papal infallibility, the mass, the validity of popish baptism, and the claims of the Romish church to be reckoned any church at all. In the discussion of popish baptism the author was led into a thorough consideration of the Christian doctrine of justification, and hence that whole argument might well be placed in the second volume. Connected as it was, however, by other ties with the Romish controversy, it was judged best, after mature reflection, to place it in the volume of the theological and polemic writings.

Volume 4: Ecclesiastical
In the fourth volume will be gathered whatever else Dr Thornwell has left behind him touching the question of the church.

— From the editor’s preface.

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