The Works of Thomas Brooks
6 Volume Set
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Weight | 4.88 kg |
Dimensions | 22.3 × 14.3 × 21.8 cm |
ISBN | 9780851513027 |
Binding | Cloth-bound |
Format | Book |
Page Count | 3,151 |
Original Pub Date | 1680 (actually 1866) |
Banner Pub Date | Feb 1, 1980 |
Book Description
Brooks’ popularity lies both in his subjects – practical truths, central to the Christian life – and in the manner of his presentation. He is ever direct, urgent, fervent, full of Scripture and able to choose words which make his sentences as memorable as melodies.
Sinclair Ferguson on the Works of Thomas Brooks
Table of Contents Expand ↓
V1 | Memoir of Brooks by A. B. Grosart | |
Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices | ||
Apples of Gold | ||
The Mute Christian under the Smarting Rod | ||
A String of Pearls | ||
V2 | An Ark for All God’s Noahs | |
The Privy Key of Heaven | ||
Heaven on Earth | ||
V3 | The Unsearchable Riches of Christ | |
A Cabinet of Jewels | ||
V4 | The Crown and Glory of Christianity | |
or, Holiness the Only Way to Happiness | ||
(58 sermons on Hebrews 12:14) | ||
V5 | The Golden Key to Open Hidden Treasures | |
Paradise Opened | ||
A Word in Season | ||
V6 | London’s Lamentations | |
The Glorious Day of the Saints’ Appearance | ||
God’s Delight in the Progress of the Upright | ||
Hypocrites Detected | ||
A Believer’s Last Day His Best Day | ||
A Heavenly Cordial | ||
The Legacy of a Dying Mother | ||
With a glossary and indexes of texts expounded, persons referred to and topics discussed in all six volumes |
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Wally Leitel –
I became a believer in Jesus Christ at 22, in 1966. Too lengthy to tell here and now (but surely there are many as me who never found a good, solid Reformed local assembly) & though we longed for being in a church as one like Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Iain Murray in the U.K or Australia when he was there…Albert Martin, Alistair Begg in Cleveland…you get the point I know.
The one thing that we all can have is our bibles first, reading them and praying, seeking God always…AND next to my bible in my life, the greatest thing(s) yet that have blessed me beyond what I can describe in all of the help to this old mind and heart that must struggle to the end with the “old man,”…the biggest help in spiritual matters is the books from Banner of Truth publishers, namely & you can begin with the “Works of Thomas Brooks,” which I have read and often re-read and pass on to others. Time does not permit me to mention others but Brooks is a good example of anything you will find at the “Trust.” It is very easy to read, just as the other Puritans and as easy to read as the last 2 modern Puritans I think we had (Spurgeon and Lloyd-Jones.)
So solidly rich in exposition of scripture and how my mind and heart have been blessed so much when reading Brooks. He has driven me to pray for holiness, weep for sin that plagues me, weep for joy too when he forever balances the great truths of God’s holiness alongside of His mercy and the timeless story of the cleansing blood of Jesus on that cross. No wonder that Spurgeon spoke constantly and even wrote his “Commenting and Commentaries” so to cover Brooks’ writings and the other giants of those days who read just as Brooks volumes do. Start anywhere with Brooks and you cannot go wrong. In volume one there is some of the things that were separate books (Satan and his devices, etc) but now put in the priceless 6 volume set. I have re-read & am often in vol 4 which is written on Hebrews 12:14 “Follow peace with all men, & holiness w/out which no man shall see the Lord.”
I have gone on and it would become a book itself to mention all of these precious volumes…but besides your bible, next to your bible have Brooks nearby. He will stir your heart and draw you to the Lord he loved so much. Oh, how grateful I am to Iain murray and MLJ, all who have been involved with Banner of Truth…eternity itself I suppose will only be able to show what this means the Lords given us has done…start out with even one volume or two of Brooks…Vol 1 & 4…then you will be raving about it as me. No one will then have to urge you on to Spurgeon, MLJ, Iain’s works, all of the golden nuggets. I never cease daily to pray for this work the Lord put upon the men who began this.
MatteoB –
This set has been a great comfort to me especially the gentle, compassionate books of pastor’s advice in the first volume. Brooks speaks not as a dry, dusty academic but as a man concerned with his fellow Christians and who wishes them to follow the right path. There is no scolding, no hectoring just calm, practical advice beautifully illustrated from scripture and life. His writing style is pleasant and direct and I sense Brooks was a deeply caring and kindly man who would have been extremely approachable. You see this in the preface of one of his books where he urges readers to let him know if he has helped them. I actually find Brooks and his contrmporary Thomas Watson more accesible than say Ryle who sometimes sounds like a schoolmaster. Both are probably my facourite writers that Banner publishes and I would recommend them both to be read with pleasure and without trepidation. You will find much of value here and will probably turn to these volumes many times. I know I will.
Richard Ross –
The works of Thomas Brooks are an overflowing source of rare delight to believers. His style is homely and intimate; as I read Brooks I sense a Christlike style; I’m reminded that we are told that Jesus spoke ‘as they were able to hear’. His pastoral skill is penetrating and consoling. His ambition to glorify Christ is everywhere conspicuous. Reading these enduring gifts to the people of God I sense with Brooks more than with any other writer a timeless quality echoing and blending the very best of preachers: Lloyd-Jones, Spurgeon, Owen…