Originally published: 1995

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image of the bleeding of the evangelical church
price From: £1.00
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Book Description David F. Wells of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Massachusetts, here challenges evangelicalism with a disturbing analysis of its present condition. He believes that we have allowed ourselves to be shaped by the popular culture whose ethos is alien to God-consciousness, to ‘other-worldliness’, and to passion for biblical truth. In putting ‘success’ before theology we […]

price £1.50


Book Description El autor examina la pregunta que hizo Job hace muchos siglos: “¿Y cómo se justificará el hombre con Dios?” (Job 9:1-2). Y tras un pormenorizado estudio de la cuestión que plantea , acaba desafiando al lector: “¿Cómo vas a justificarte ante Dios? Permítaseme expresarlo de manera mas apremiante. Si tuvieras que presentarte ante […]

price £2.50


Book Description ‘Las diferencias entre la mayoria del evangelio que se predica hoy y el de Jesus no son menores; son enormes. Los errores principales no son en el enfasis o en el enfoque sino en el mensaje central del Evangelio. Si hay deficiencia en alguna de las areas mencionadas en estas paginas es asunto […]


Spurgeon vs. Hyper-Calvinism

The Battle For Gospel Preaching

by Iain H. Murray

price From: £5.50
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Elaborates the issues involved in ‘The Battle for Gospel Preaching’ between Spurgeon and fellow Baptists of Hyper-Calvinistic views. 184pp.


Sound of His Name

Autobiography of Bernard J. Honeysett

by Bernard Honeysett

price £4.50


An out-of-the-ordinary life story. 144pp.

Singing In The Fire

Singing In The Fire

Christians in Adversity

by Faith Cook

price £5.75


The reality of the faith that carries Christians victoriously through trials is brought home through 14 short biographies. 208pp. Illustrated.


The Pundit’s Folly

Chronicles of an Empty Life

by Sinclair B. Ferguson

price £4.50
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A tool for evangelism and an encouragement to Christians to witness to Christ and live unreservedly for him. 96pp.

Gateway To The Old Testament
price £6.25


An introduction to the literature and message of the Old Testament. 320pp.

Church Of Rome At The Bar Of History
price £7.50


By appealing to the facts of history, the author refutes the claims of the Church of Rome. 256pp.

price From: £1.00


Underlines the most important principles which Scripture gives in order to guide us to a wise and happy choice of a life-long partner. 32pp.