The Pundit’s Folly
Chronicles of an Empty Life
Weight | 0.114 kg |
Dimensions | 18.1 × 12.1 × 0.8 cm |
ISBN | 9781800404793 |
Binding | Paperback |
Format | Book |
Page Count | 104 |
Scripture | Ecclesiastes |
Original Pub Date | 1995 |
Banner Pub Date | Dec 1, 1995 |
The Author | Ferguson, Sinclair |
*New Retypeset Edition*
Book Description
The world is a sea of glass: a pageant of fond delight, a theatre of vanity, a labyrinth of error, a gulf of grief, a sty of filthiness, a vale of misery, a spectacle of woe, a river of tears, a stage of deceit, a cage full of devils, a den of scorpions, a wilderness of wolves, a cabin of bears, a whirlwind of passions, a fained comedy, a delectable frenzy; where is false delight, assured grief; certain sorrow, uncertain pleasure; lasting woe, fickle wealth; long heaviness, short joy.
Table of Contents Expand ↓
1 | Chasing the Wind | 1 |
2 | Life under the Sun | 27 |
3 | Wisdom from the Poor Man | 47 |
4 | The Conclusion of the Matter | 69 |
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¿Vivo O Muerto? De Muerte a vida espiritual
Alive or Dead
A tool for evangelism and an encouragement to Christians to witness to Christ and live unreservedly for him. 96pp.

A tool for evangelism and an encouragement to Christians to witness to Christ and live unreservedly for him. 96pp.
Jim Black –
This was my first time reading Sinclair Ferguson and it led me to buy 2 more of his books. The author has written an accessible short study of Ecclesiastes. It has enough depth to help someone who is already a Christian and is very good for non-Christians to read. Highly recommended. I am a fan of the publisher (Banner of Truth), Sinclair impressed me with this title.
Andrew Young –
What is the theme of the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament? It speaks of a search for the key to the meaning to life. An unnamed teacher (or preacher) examines life from all angles to see. The questions are asked:
* What is life all about?
* Where can true satisfaction be found?
* What is the purpose of our being here?
What avenues doe the teacher look at? He looks at things such as knowledge, pleasure and hard work. He had everything and excelled at everything!
So, what was his conclusion about it all. He said that it was all in vain – a chasing the wind!
Themes such as this are shown in Sinclair Ferguson’s brief work. Four short chapters based on the Book of Ecclesiastes from the Old Testament. The writer points us to the futility of living a life without God – this is ‘the pundit’s folly’ that the title speaks about.
However, Ecclesiastes gives us two divisions of thought: 1. the futility of life; 2. the answer of faith. At the end of the book, Ferguson shows that the way to a fulfilling and satisfying life is by trusting in God through His Son Jesus Christ – fearing God and keeping His commandments (as in Ecclesiastes 12:13). This ‘brings meaning, purpose and significance to a life which otherwise is ultimately brief, empty and meaningless’ (p.76).
A very helpful book, which is easy to understand. It can be a useful evangelistic tool, and can also help people to gain a better understanding of Ecclesiastes.