Published: 1960s

Showing 25–36 of 64 results


God-Centred Evangelism

A Presentation of the Scriptural Theology of Evangelism

by R. B. Kuiper

price £6.50
Avg. Rating


Covers the whole spectrum of themes on evangelism, from its origin in God himself, to the assurance of its ultimate triumph. 248pp.



The Story of J.C. Philpot and William Tiptaft

by J. H. Philpot

price £2.00


A moving account of two brothers in Christ and their incredible relationship as they, together, left the Established Church of England in the 1830s. 208pp.


El Secreto De La Vida Cristiana

The Secret of the Christian Life

by J. C. Ryle

price £9.50


Book Description Su concepto de la vida cristiana respira un activismo netamente bíblico. Para Ryle, el verdadero cristiano no puede armonizarse con una noción estática de la fe, sino que, por lo contrario, la vida espiritual que se recibe con el nuevo nacimiento es como una fuerza impulsadora que pone a todas las facultades de […]


Fair Sunshine

Character Studies of the Scottish Covenanters

by Jock Purves

price From: £6.00
Avg. Rating


These ‘Character Studies of the Scottish Covenanters’, have a lyrical quality and demonstrate the author’s spiritual perception. 208pp.

price From: £6.30
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Endorsement ‘Murray’s distinctive… is his careful exegesis of Scripture passages, so that his theological assertions come straight from the Word of God with all the authority which that gives them. His treatment of the order of application of redemption is masterly. . . one of the greatest theological books written in the last hundred years.’– […]

price £7.75


In this major study, the ‘theologian of revival’ analyses the nature of a genuine work of the Holy Spirit. 384pp.

Sovereignty Of God
price £6.25
Avg. Rating


What is needed now, as never before,’ says A. W. Pink, ‘is a full, positive, constructive setting forth of the Godhood of God.’ 168pp. Reset edition 2009.

cover image for 'The Christian's Great Interest'
price £5.00


In a clear and attractive style, describes what it means to be a Christian, and how to become one. 208pp.


The Works of John Owen

Volume 12: The Gospel Defended

by John Owen

price £15.00


Book Description Despite his other achievements, Owen is best famed for his writings. These cover the range of doctrinal, ecclesiastical and practical subjects. They are characterized by profundity, thoroughness and, consequently, authority. Andrew Thomson said that Owen ‘makes you feel when he has reached the end of his subject, that he has also exhausted it.’ […]

C.H. Spurgeon Autobiography

C.H. Spurgeon Autobiography

Volume 1: The Early Years

by C. H. Spurgeon

price £17.00
Avg. Rating


The story of the life of the ‘prince of preachers’, largely in Spurgeon’s own words. Here is an inspiring record of a Christian life which continues to be of blessing for so many. 580 & 536pp.


The Way Everlasting

A Study in Psalm 139

by E. J. Young

price £5.00


A devotional exposition of Psalm 139. 128pp.


The Glorious Body Of Christ

A Scriptural Appreciation of the One Holy Church

by R. B. Kuiper

price £9.00


The church and her Antiquity and Perpetuity, Unity, Holiness, Apostolicity, Membership, Truth, Preaching, Evangelism, Worship, etc. 384pp.

Showing 25–36 of 64 results