The Works of John Owen

Volume 12: The Gospel Defended

Look Inside Price £15.00

Weight 0.89 kg
Dimensions 22.3 × 14.3 × 4.1 cm
ISBN 9780851511290




Page Count


Original Pub Date

1689 (actually 1826)

Banner Pub Date

Dec 1, 1966

Book Description

Despite his other achievements, Owen is best famed for his writings. These cover the range of doctrinal, ecclesiastical and practical subjects. They are characterized by profundity, thoroughness and, consequently, authority. Andrew Thomson said that Owen ‘makes you feel when he has reached the end of his subject, that he has also exhausted it.’ Although many of his works were called forth by the particular needs of his own day they all have a uniform quality of timelessness. Owen’s works were republished in full in the nineteenth century. Owen is surely the Prince of the Puritans. ‘To master his works’, says Spurgeon, ‘is to be a profound theologian.’

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Dedication, 5
Epistle Dedicatory 6
Preface to the Reader, 11
Mr Biddle’s Preface to his Catechism, 55
Mr Biddle’s Preface briefly examined, 59
I Mr Biddle’s first chapter examined-Of the Scriptures, 85
II Of the nature of God, 86
III Of the shape and bodily visible figure of God, 98
IV Of the attribution of passions and affections, anger, fear, repentance unto God-In what sense it is done in the Scripture, 108
V Of God’s prescience or foreknowledge, 115
VI Of the creation and condition of man before and after the fall, 140
VII Of the person of Jesus Christ, and on what account he is the Son of God, 169
VIII An entrance into the examination of the Racovian Catechism in the business of the deity of Christ -Their arguments against it answered; and testimonies of the eternity of Christ vindicated, 205
IX The pre-eternity of Christ farther evinced-Sundry texts of Scripture vindicated, 236
X Of the names of God given unto Christ, 218
XI Of the work of creation assigned to Jesus Christ, etc.-The confirmation of his eternal deity from thence, 265
XII All-ruling and disposing providence assigned unto Christ, and his eternal Godhead thence further confirmed, with other testimonies thereof, 278
XIII Of the incarnation of Christ, and his pre-existence thereunto, 283
XIV Sundry other testimonies given to the deity of Christ vindicated, 304
XV Of the Holy Ghost, his deity, graces, and operations, 333
XVI Of salvation by Christ, 345
XVII Of the mediation of Christ, 346
XVIII Of Christ’s prophetical office, 348
XIX Of the kingly office of Jesus Christ, and of the worship that is ascribed and due to him, 371
XX Of the priestly office of Christ-How he was a priest-When he entered on his office-And how he dischargeth it, 397
XXI Of the death of Christ, the causes, ends, and fruits thereof, with an entrance into the doctrine of his satisfaction thereby, 411
XXII The several considerations of the death of Christ as to the expiation of our sins thereby, and the satisfaction made therein-First, Of it as a price; secondly, As a sacrifice, 419
XXIII Of the death of Christ as it was a punishment, and the satisfaction made thereby 433
XXIV Some particular testimonies evincing the death of Christ to be a punishment. Properly so called 443
XXV A digression concerning the 53d chapter of Isaiah, and the vindication of it from the perverse interpretation of HUGO GROTIUS, 455
XXVI Of the matter of the punishment that Christ underwent, or what he suffered, 485
XXVII Of the covenant between the Father and the Son, the ground and foun­dation of this dispensation of Christ’s being punished for us and in our stead 496
XXVIII Of redemption by the death of Christ as it was a price or ransom, 508
XXIX Of reconciliation by the death of Christ as it is a sacrifice, 531
XXX The satisfaction of Christ, on the consideration of his death being a punishment farther evinced, and vindicated from the exceptions of Smalcius, 542
XXXI Of election and universal grace-Of the resurrection of Christ from the dead, 551
XXXII Of justification and faith, 561
XXXIII Of keeping the commandments of God, and of perfection of obedience-How attainable in this life 564
XXXIV Of prayer; and whether Christ prescribed a form of prayer to be used by believers; and of praying unto him and in his name under the old testament 577
XXXV Of the resurrection of the dead and the state of the wicked at the last day, 581
Of the Death of Christ, and of Justification, 591
A Second Consideration of the Annotations of Hugo Grotius, 619
Epistles of Grotius to Crellius, 638


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