Books on Christian Living

Showing 49–60 of 290 results


The Christian

Following Christ as Lord

by William Webster

price £5.00


Subtitled ‘Following Christ as Lord’, answers the basic question: ‘What is a Christian?’ 160pp.

price £6.00
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The problems and trials of the Christian life lead to the unutterable glory and holiness of the world to come. 240pp.


Everlasting Righteousness

How Shall Man Be Just With God?

by Horatius Bonar

price From: £4.50
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The answer to the question ‘How Shall Man be Just with God? is to be found in God and the provision he has made in the Lord Jesus Christ. 232pp.

Behind A Frowning Providence
price From: £1.20
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God’s gracious purpose in the sorrows and suffering of his people. 32pp.


Burial or Cremation

Does it Matter?

by Donald Howard

price From: £1.25
Avg. Rating


Shows that burial alone has the endorsement of God’s Word and reflects vital truth. 32pp.

price £1.50
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The grief of bereavement and Christian preparation for it. 32pp.

price From: £1.25


True Christianity involves a sight of the majesty of God and calls for a godly life. 24pp.

price From: £1.00
Avg. Rating


The nature and effects of true conversion. 24pp.

price From: £1.00


Underlines the most important principles which Scripture gives in order to guide us to a wise and happy choice of a life-long partner. 32pp.

Letters of D Martyn Lloyd-Jones
price £13.50
Avg. Rating


Over one hundred of ‘the Doctor’s’ personal letters, selected and with Notes by Iain H. Murray. 272pp.

Letters Of Henry Venn
price £14.75


A fascinating insight into the life and times of an 18th-century minister, and practical spiritual counsel of perennial wisdom. 624pp.

Letters of John Newton

Letters of John Newton

With Biographical Sketches and Notes by Josiah Bull

by John Newton

price £16.50


This selection by Newton’s biographer covers a wide variety of subjects and aims ‘to conform the believer to Christ.’ Includes biographical sketches and historical notes by the editor. 432pp.

Showing 49–60 of 290 results