The Child’s Story Bible
With Colour Illustrations
Weight | 2.7 lbs |
Dimensions | 8.75 × 5.6 × 2 in |
ISBN | 9781848719422 |
Binding | Cloth-bound, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Cloth-bound & eBook (ePub & Kindle) |
Original Pub Date | 1935 |
Banner Pub Date | May 14, 2021 |
Page Count | 832 |
Scripture | Whole Bible |
Format | Book |
‘Time and again over the years The Child’s Story Bible provided the timeline for our family worship. The flow of biblical history outlined by Catherine Vos with the biblical narrative gave our children an understanding of the history of God’s redemptive purposes. The stories of David and Goliath, Daniel and the lion’s den, Joshua and Caleb spying out the Promised Land, these and more, were no longer disconnected Sunday School lessons but part of the history of God’s people. Our sons and daughters began to know they were the latest in a long line of saints in whose lives the God of history was working out his saving purposes.’ — JOAN KINGSWOOD
‘We used The Child’s Story Bible as part of our family worship with our three adopted Ugandan boys while we lived in Africa. The Bible stories were very simple to understand especially since the boys were learning English at the time and we found them to be the most faithful to the biblical narratives. I only wish I had known of them when my older children were young!’ — KATHLEEN CURTO
‘Many decades ago I got a solid biblical grounding from my mother reading me The Child’s Story Bible. This foundation has served me well as an active Christian. Because of it I have better biblical knowledge than many of my peers. (And my mother was not particularly religious—an older friend of hers gave us the book.)’ — REBECCA GALLOWAY
‘I like the battles in this book and how God wins them. It’s fantastic!’ — GEORGE (aged 6)
‘The Child’s Story Bible is the best summary of the Bible in story form anywhere available.’– WILLIAM C. CULBERTSON (Moody Bible Institute)
Catherine Vos’ Child’s Story Bible combines qualities which are not generally found together: she appeals to the interest and imagination of children without sacrificing fidelity to the text of Scripture; she uses the stories to impress great doctrinal truths, uniting the element of enjoyment with instruction; and she takes the sombre warning passages of the word of God as well as those which call for admiration and trust in the Saviour around whom children once gathered upon earth.
- Written by Catherine F. Vos: The unfolding story of the Bible told faithfully by Catherine F. Vos, who was the wife of theologian and exegete Dr. Geerhardus Vos and an author in her own right.
- Single volume spanning the whole Bible: Originally published in three volumes, this beautiful clothbound hardback includes both the Old and New Testament stories in one volume.
- Twenty-six full-colour illustrations: Rich, colourful artwork by Neil McArdle will keep your children engaged and draw them into the unfolding story of Scripture. Readers will be interested to know there are no images of Christ in the book.
- Excellent for a range of ages: Suitable to be read to children aged 3 and up, while children 7+ will be able to read by themselves. It’s also suitable for adults who wish to refresh their knowledge of the overarching narrative of the biblical story of redemption.
- Made to last a lifetime: The smyth-sewn binding and clothbound cover are complemented by a silk ribbon page marker.
Book Reviews
Review by Albert Mohler
Review by Pastor David McWilliams
Table of Contents Expand ↓
1. | In the Beginning God | 3 |
2. | How the World Began | 7 |
3. | The First Man, Adam | 10 |
4. | The First Woman, Eve | 13 |
5. | Adam and Eve Disobey God | 15 |
6. | How God Punished Them | 18 |
7. | A Loss and a Promise | 21 |
8. | The First Crime | 23 |
9. | What the First Men Were Like | 27 |
10. | The Second Beginning | 30 |
11. | The Strange Division of Men into Nations | 37 |
12. | Abram Follows God | 41 |
13. | God Talks with Abram | 45 |
14. | Sodom and Gomorrah | 51 |
15. | Abraham Sends Ishmael Away | 56 |
16. | Isaac, the Promised Son | 59 |
17. | Rebekah | 63 |
18. | Jacob Buys the Birthright | 71 |
19. | Jacob Deceives His Father | 74 |
20. | Jacob Leaves Home | 79 |
21. | Jacob Meets Rachel | 83 |
22. | Jacob Leaves Paddan-Aram Secretly | 87 |
23. | Jacob Goes Home | 90 |
24. | How Joseph Was Sold | 96 |
25. | In Potiphar's House | 100 |
26. | From Prison to Palace | 104 |
27 | Joseph's Dreams Come True | 109 |
28. | Benjamin Goes to Egypt | 115 |
29. | Joseph's Silver Cup | 118 |
30. | Israel Goes to Egypt | 122 |
31. | The Death of Jacob | 127 |
32. | Moses | 130 |
33. | God Chooses Moses | 137 |
34. | The Stubborn King | 144 |
35. | The Children of Israel Leave Egypt | 154 |
36. | The End of the Egyptians | 160 |
37. | Israel in the Wilderness | 164 |
38. | God Talks from Mount Sinai | 169 |
39. | The Golden Calf | 175 |
40. | The Tabernacle | 181 |
41. | Aaron and the Levites | 186 |
42. | The Dedication of the Tabernacle | 188 |
43. | How Israel Worshipped | 191 |
44. | Israel's Feasts | 194 |
45. | God Gives Many Laws | 198 |
46. | The Israelites Continue Their Journey | 200 |
47. | The Grumbling Israelites | 203 |
48. | Spies Search Out the Land | 207 |
49. | The Rebellious Israelites Turn Back | 211 |
50. | Some Strange Happenings in the Desert | 216 |
51. | God Gives Victory | 222 |
52. | Balaam Displeases a Frightened King | 226 |
53. | The Israelites Numbered Again | 234 |
54. | The Last Words of Moses | 237 |
55. | Canaan at Last | 240 |
56. | A Victory and a Defeat | 247 |
57. | How Trickery Overthrew Ai and Saved Gibeon | 252 |
58. | Dividing the Land | 257 |
59. | Judges Rule Israel | 260 |
60. | How Death Came to Sisera | 263 |
61. | Gideon, Who Saw an Angel | 265 |
62. | Samson | 274 |
63. | Samson Captured | 281 |
64. | Ruth's Choice | 286 |
65. | Samuel is Promised to God | 292 |
66. | War with the Philistines | 297 |
67. | Saul, the First King | 303 |
68. | David, the Shepherd Boy | 312 |
69. | David Becomes an Outlaw | 319 |
70. | Stories about the Outlawed David | 325 |
71. | More Stories about David and Saul | 331 |
72. | David, the King Whom God Loved | 337 |
73. | How the Good King Sinned | 343 |
74. | The Plan of a Bad Son | 347 |
75. | The Failure of the Plot | 353 |
76. | The Wisest Man in the World | 362 |
77. | The Golden Kingdom of Solomon | 368 |
78. | The Beginning of Bad Times | 375 |
79. | The Divided Kingdom | 381 |
80. | Elijah, the Stern Prophet | 387 |
81. | Stories about Israel's Wicked King | 399 |
82. | The Death of Ahab | 407 |
83. | God Protects His People | 413 |
84. | Good-bye to Elijah | 419 |
85. | Elisha, the Gentle Prophet | 423 |
86. | Trouble with Syria | 432 |
87. | The Soldier-King, Jehu | 440 |
88. | The Little Boy Who Became King | 449 |
89. | Elisha's Last Prophecy | 455 |
90. | A Proud King Defeated | 457 |
91. | Jonah, the Unwilling Prophet | 461 |
92. | Stories about the Two Kingdoms | 467 |
93. | 'Here Am I -- Send Me' | 472 |
94. | The End of the Kingdom of Israel | 474 |
95. | Hezekiah the Good | 480 |
96. | Wicked King Who Repented | 488 |
97. | Stories about King Josiah | 491 |
98. | The Man Who Had To Prophesy | 497 |
99. | The Captivity of Judah | 501 |
100. | Daniel | 508 |
101. | The Fiery Furnace | 514 |
102. | The King Who Lived in the Fields | 519 |
103. | The Fall of Babylon | 522 |
104. | Daniel in the Lion's Den | 527 |
105. | Back to the Promised Land | 532 |
106. | The Rebuilding of the City | 537 |
107. | Esther, the Beautiful Queen | 542 |
108. | Esther Saves Her People | 546 |
109. | Ezra, the Teacher of the Law | 557 |
110. | Nehemiah, the Governor of Jerusalem | 562 |
1. | The Priest Who Could Not Talk | 571 |
2. | The Message of the Angel | 574 |
3. | The Holy Night | 576 |
4. | A Star in the East | 580 |
5. | Warned by a Dream | 583 |
6. | The Boy in the Temple | 585 |
7. | The Preacher in the Desert | 587 |
8. | Satan Talks to God's Son | 590 |
9. | Jesus Chooses His Disciples | 592 |
10. | Jesus at the Wedding Feast | 594 |
11. | The Father's House | 596 |
12. | A Visit by Night | 598 |
13. | The Woman at Jacob's Well | 600 |
14. | The Father Who Believed | 603 |
15. | The Mob That Wanted a Miracle | 605 |
16. | The Crowd at Jesus' Door | 607 |
17. | Through the Roof to Jesus | 609 |
18. | Matthew and His Feast | 612 |
19. | The Withered Hand Made Well | 613 |
20. | The Sermon on the Mount | 615 |
21. | Jesus Gives Back Health and Life | 618 |
22. | Stories Which Jesus Told | 620 |
23. | The Winds and the Waves Obey | 622 |
24. | The Little Girl Brought to Life | 624 |
25. | The Wish of a Young Girl | 627 |
26. | Five Loaves of Bread and Five Thousand People | 630 |
27. | Walking on Top of the Stormy Water | 633 |
28. | Friends and Enemies | 636 |
29. | An Answered Prayer | 638 |
30. | Hungry People Fed | 640 |
31. | 'Who Am I?' | 642 |
32. | Glory on the Mountain | 644 |
33. | The Good Samaritan | 646 |
34. | The Feast of Tabernacles | 648 |
35. | Two Sisters Who Loved Jesus | 651 |
36. | The Friend of Children and His Prayer | 653 |
37. | The Lost Sheep and the Son Who Went Away | 655 |
38. | Jesus Wakes Lazarus from Death | 658 |
39. | The Blind Beggar Who Called to Jesus | 661 |
40. | Mary's Gift | 664 |
41. | The King Comes | 666 |
42. | The Roman Coin | 668 |
43. | The Last Day and the Great Sin | 670 |
44. | In the Upper Room | 673 |
45. | Jesus' Last Words to His Disciples | 676 |
46. | The Kiss of Judas | 678 |
47. | Peter, the Coward | 680 |
48. | Jesus Before the High Priest | 682 |
49. | Why Pilate Washed His Hands | 685 |
50. | Carrying the Cross | 688 |
51. | The Sun Becomes Dark | 690 |
52. | The Stone is Rolled Away | 693 |
53. | Visitors to the Tomb | 696 |
54. | The Risen Lord | 699 |
55. | Jesus Comes to His Friends | 702 |
56. | How Jesus Left the Earth | 704 |
57. | Power from Above | 707 |
58. | The Lame Man in the Temple | 710 |
59. | The Story of a Lie | 713 |
60. | The Open Prison Doors | 715 |
61. | The Man Who Looked into Heaven | 718 |
62. | The Magician Who Tried to Buy God | 721 |
63. | The Ethiopian Who Believed | 723 |
64. | The Light on the Road | 725 |
65. | The Changed Man | 728 |
66. | Saul Escapes Twice | 730 |
67. | The Good Woman Who was Brought to Life | 732 |
68. | A Lesson Peter Had to Learn | 734 |
69. | A New Church | 737 |
70. | The Angel in Prison | 739 |
71. | On to Cyprus | 743 |
72. | Why People Thought Paul was God | 745 |
73. | A New Journey | 748 |
74. | The Poor Fortune-Teller | 750 |
75. | The Jailer Who Believed | 752 |
76. | From City to City | 755 |
77. | About the Unknown God | 757 |
78. | The Riot of the Statue-Makers | 759 |
79. | The Young Man Who Fell Asleep | 762 |
80. | Back to Jerusalem | 764 |
81. | An Uproar in the Temple | 767 |
82. | Paul's Speech to the Jews | 769 |
83. | A Wicked Oath | 771 |
84. | How Paul Was Saved | 774 |
85. | The Trial | 776 |
86. | The Appeal to Caesar | 778 |
87. | A King is Almost Persuaded | 781 |
88. | Paul Sets Out for Rome | 784 |
89. | The Shipwreck | 786 |
90. | The Rescue | 789 |
91. | The Hero of Faith | 791 |
92. | The Last Things | 794 |
93. | The Vision of John | 797 |
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ENDORSEMENTSRead More ↓ ‘Time and again over the years The Child’s Story Bible provided the timeline for our family worship. The flow of biblical history outlined by Catherine Vos with the biblical narrative gave our children an understanding of the history of God’s redemptive purposes. The stories of David and Goliath, Daniel and the lion’s […]

Word Wise
Volume 2: Just as God Said!
ENDORSEMENTSRead More ↓ ‘Time and again over the years The Child’s Story Bible provided the timeline for our family worship. The flow of biblical history outlined by Catherine Vos with the biblical narrative gave our children an understanding of the history of God’s redemptive purposes. The stories of David and Goliath, Daniel and the lion’s […]

Word Wise
Volume 1: God's Amazing Book
ENDORSEMENTSRead More ↓ ‘Time and again over the years The Child’s Story Bible provided the timeline for our family worship. The flow of biblical history outlined by Catherine Vos with the biblical narrative gave our children an understanding of the history of God’s redemptive purposes. The stories of David and Goliath, Daniel and the lion’s […]
Nick Minerva –
As a parent, I am constantly on the lookout for devotional materials for my kids. Finding a resource that faithfully presents Bible stories in an age-appropriate way is sometimes difficult. I’m not quite ready to explain to my 3 year old what a harlot is (1. we’re still working on flushing, 2. there are a lot of harlots in the Bible); but on the flip side I don’t want something so watered-downed it’s no longer faithful to Scripture. Enter The Child’s Story Bible.
Catherine Vos and Banner of Truth have come through with this resource. This book does a great job of telling the stories of the Bible in faithful AND age-appropriate ways. The language is simple enough for young readers to read on their own. (I’ve had my 6 year old read portions.) Each story takes about 10-15 minutes to read out loud and is perfect for a bedtime story. It also structures the stories in such a way so that you can get a grasp of the big picture of the story of redemption.
It’s also a beautiful book. It includes 26th full color illustrations, a ribbon marker, and is a gorgeous hardback edition. Banner of Truth has made a Story Bible that will last a lifetime. If you are looking for a resource that will last throughout your children’s life, this is it.
Tim –
Wonderful book to read to your kids. Sometimes there’s some explanation or supplementing in the story that goes beyond what the Bible says but it’s not too much. Perfect for bed time Bible reading for your toddler or first grader.
Juliet Jarvis –
I’m so glad that at last the Banner of Truth is able to produce this in hardback with some pictures. I still have my copy published in 1957, my father read it to me from the age of 3 and I started reading it myself from the age of 5. One day my mother found me reading it in tears, she asked me why I was crying? I said, “Moses has just died”!
At the age of 7 my school teacher asked my parents how it was I knew every Bible story I was told in class – my parents bought a copy of The Childs Story Bible for the teacher to use in class and for the school library.
Apart from the memorable storytelling, Catherine Vos gently applies the narrative to the reader, she draws you in to what is happening, she draws you in to what she wants to get across and takes you with her. I heartily recommend it not only for children but for new Christians too.