Products by Format: Book

Showing 205–216 of 843 results

Cover image for 'The Pundit's Folly' (Chinese) by Sinclair Ferguson


Pundit's Folly

by Sinclair B. Ferguson

price $8.10


《传道书》解读 内容简介 智者有两个问题: 第一个问题:日光之下,生命的本质是什么? 第二个问题:日光之下,生命的意义是什么? 倘若尘土是我们的归宿,那么,有什么目标是真实而恒久的?古老的著作《传道书》中说了哪些深刻而隐密的真相? 人从哪里来?要到哪里去?人生的意义是什么?人一切的劳碌,就是他在日光之下的劳碌,有什么益处呢? 古往今来,无数的人生故事不断上演。或富或贫,或天赋异秉,或资质平平,每个人的结局殊途同归,那就是:“归于尘土”。世上的生命是短暂的,然而,在日光之上有永恒的生命。 傅格森博士是一位巨匠,他用平实又充满睿智的语言,展现永恒真理的魅力。在本书中,他跟随一卷名为《传道书》的古老著作,逐一审视人生各个重要命题,带领读者认真探寻生命的真正意义。

Cover image for 'Preparation for Ministry'
price From: $6.00


Endorsements ‘Here are first principles for those who wonder if they are being called to the ministry, guidance for those in training, and wisdom for those already engaged in the work. That Preparation for Ministry comes from the desk of Allan Harman—Pastor, Professor, and Principal—is all the recommendation it needs. First class!’ — SINCLAIR B. […]


Scottish Theology

in relation to church history

by John Macleod

price $27.00
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Endorsements ‘Reading Scottish Theology will prove an enlightening, heart-warming, and sobering engagement with the past and will enable us the better (hopefully) to “contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saint” in the present.’ — IAN HAMILTON Book Description ‘It has been my endeavour to handle my theme in a free and […]

cover image for Bible Names

Bible Names

presenting gospel truths to little children using bible names and their meanings

by Alison Brown

price $7.20


Book Description One of the first words a child learns to recognise, and then to write, is his own name. He identifies not simply with its shape and sound, but often with its origin, especially if he shares it with someone he loves and respects. Bible names were often derivatives of Greek or Hebrew words […]

cover for a Bible alphabet busy book
price From: $4.00


Book Description Many parents and teachers, and some schools, want to start with the Bible when educating their children. Based on the stories from A Bible Alphabet, the pages of this Busy Book provide opportunity for children who are beginning to express themselves in writing to develop the skill of sentence making, while their thoughts […]

Cover image for the St. Andrews Seven

The St Andrews Seven

the finest flowering of Missionary Zeal in Scottish History

by Stuart Piggin, John Roxborogh

price From: $8.00
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Book Description The St Andrews Seven is the moving and inspiring story of six young men whose remarkable influence on one another as fellow students in the University of St Andrews, Scotland, in the 1820s led them to the profound conviction that ‘Only one thing seemed to matter: to discover God’s will and do it’. […]

The Church of Christ by James Bannerman

The Church of Christ

A Treatise on the Nature, Powers, Ordinances, Discipline, and Government of the Christian Church

by James Bannerman

price From: $20.00


Endorsements ‘I am thrilled to see this classic work on Presbyterian polity being reissued. And if you think “thrilled” and “Presbyterian polity” don’t belong in the same sentence, that’s just one more reason we need Bannerman’s book. In a day where the doctrine of the church is often thought obscure, irrelevant, and even divisive, Bannerman […]

Cover image for the book 'Korean Pentecost' by William Blair and Bruce Hunt

The Korean Pentecost

and the Sufferings which Followed

by William Blair, Bruce Hunt

price $11.70
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Endorsements ‘[The Korean Pentecost] Shows what God can do when His people take Him at His Word.’ — J.G. VOS ‘A faithful and stirring record of the Lord’s doings.’ — EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN ‘A deeply moving account.’ — BIBLIOTHECA SACRA Book Description In 1977 the Trust published this remarkable account of the first 60 years or […]


You Must Read

Books that have shaped our lives


price From: $13.50
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Book Description Have you ever wondered what influences have shaped the preachers, teachers and authors you respect? You Must Read brings together more than thirty well-known Christian leaders and gives them the opportunity to talk about a book that has made a lasting impact on their lives. Their personal narratives and recommendations of the literature […]

Amy Carmichael biography by Iain Murray

Amy Carmichael

Beauty for Ashes

by Iain H. Murray

price From: $7.00
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Endorsements ‘This is a love story of the noblest kind. It is an enriching consideration of a woman’s relentless love for her Saviour, her Bible, her friends, and most uniquely, her love for lost, suffering and desperate sinners – to whom she gave her life. Such devotion as hers seems so distant. Reading this brief […]

Image of the works of John newton

The Works of John Newton

4 Volume Set

by John Newton

price $135.00


EndorsementsRead More ↓ ‘In few writers are Christian doctrine, experience and practice more happily balanced than in the author of these letters, and few write with more simplicity, piety and force.’ — C. H. SPURGEON ‘What thousands have derived repeated profit and pleasure from the perusal of these utterances of the heart! Nor ever will […]

Holiness by J. C. Ryle


Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots

by J. C. Ryle

price From: $15.00
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Endorsements ‘A book I think every Christian should read. It is so readable, so accessible, a very simple style of presentation, but absolutely forceful, and discerning. Every time I read it the Lord uses it to press upon me the importance and the possibility of holiness. It’s one of those books that makes you feel […]

Showing 205–216 of 843 results