Books on Church Life

Showing 1–12 of 23 results

Cover of 'Called to be Holy' by Jeremy Walker

Called to be Holy

The Discipline of the Church

by Jeremy Walker

price From: $3.00


Booklet Description Discipline is not a dirty word. Any group which is united and effective embraces discipline to promote the health and strength of the group as a whole and its survival over time. The same is true of the church of Jesus Christ, serving and striving together so that Christ is formed in every […]

The Christian Sabbath by Terry Johnson
price From: $3.00
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Book Description There can be no doubt that a seismic shift has taken place within the English-speaking world over the last sixty years regarding what used to be referred to as ‘the Christian Sabbath.’ What was considered to be a day of rest, worship and holy activity is now just like any other day of […]

cover image of "The Bleeding of the Evangelical Church"
price From: $2.00
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Book Description David F. Wells of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Massachusetts, here challenges evangelicalism with a disturbing analysis of its present condition. He believes that we have allowed ourselves to be shaped by the popular culture whose ethos is alien to God-consciousness, to ‘other-worldliness’, and to passion for biblical truth. In putting ‘success’ before theology we […]

The Church Mini-Guide by Mark Johnston

The Church

Glorious Body, Radiant Bride

by Mark Johnston

price From: $11.50


Book Description The church is the oldest surviving institution in the history of the world. It has changed lives and shaped nations. It is loved, hated, and ignored in equal measure. But what is it, and what is its purpose in the world? This mini-guide answers those questions and shows why the church matters. Banner […]

Devoted to God's Church by Sinclair Ferguson

Devoted to God’s Church

Core Values for Christian Fellowship

by Sinclair B. Ferguson

price From: $11.00
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Endorsements ‘Many people “go to church.” Sinclair Ferguson, with his typical gentleness and wisdom, teaches us how to “be the church” as Christ defines it. This simple, clear, and moving book will be great help for people interested in learning more about becoming members of a church. It is also a good tool for those […]

Letters of John Calvin
price From: $10.00
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Calvin’s Letters reveal a man of deep pastoral concern with a humble sense of the final authority of God and his Word. Clothbound, 320 pages.

image of the 2018 US Ministers' Conference Audio USB Drive

2018 US Ministers’ Conference Audio

Ministers of Christ

price From: $1.99


Information on Formats Expand ↓ You can purchase the Conference Audio right from this page in a number of ways: MP3 USB DRIVE – The best option for those of you who want the conference audio in a tangible product is the MP3 USB Drive. This format allows you to get the entire conference audio onto […]

Duties of Christian Fellowship by John Owen

Duties of Christian Fellowship

A Manual For Church Members

by John Owen

price Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $7.20.
Avg. Rating


Book Description Duties of Christian Fellowship deals with a matter of perennial concern for every truly Christian church. In just a few pages it sets out in very concise terms the responsibilities all Christians have, first, to their pastors, and then second, to one another within the fellowship of the local church. John Owen was […]

image for the conference audio of 2017 ministers' conference

2017 US Ministers’ Conference Audio

The Living and Enduring Word

price From: $1.99


Information on Formats Expand ↓ You can purchase the Conference Audio right from this page in a number of ways: AUDIO CD – For those of you don’t have MP3 CD players (older cars, some older systems), you need to purchase the ‘Audio CD’ format. You can either purchase the complete 11 disk set for $27.99 […]

image of the 2016 conference audio

2016 US Ministers’ Conference Audio

Kingdom Life in a Hostile World

price From: $1.99


Information on Formats Expand ↓ You can purchase the Conference Audio right from this page in a number of ways: AUDIO CD – For those of you don’t have MP3 CD players (older cars, some older systems), you need to purchase the ‘Audio CD’ format. You can either purchase the complete 11 disk set for $27.99 […]


2015 US Ministers’ Conference Audio

Suffering in the Church

price From: $1.99


Information on Formats Expand ↓ You can purchase the Conference Audio right from this page in a number of ways: AUDIO CD – For those of you don’t have MP3 CD players (older cars, some older systems), you need to purchase the ‘Audio CD’ format. You can either purchase the complete 11 disk set for $27.99 […]


2014 US Ministers’ Conference Audio

Between Two Worlds

price From: $1.99
Avg. Rating


Information on Formats Expand ↓ You can purchase the Conference Audio right from this page in a number of ways: AUDIO CD – For those of you don’t have MP3 CD players (older cars, some older systems), you need to purchase the ‘Audio CD’ format. You can either purchase the complete 9 disk set for $27.99 […]

Showing 1–12 of 23 results