Behold Your God Set and Teacher’s Guide

Rethinking God Biblically

Look Inside Price £92.00

Weight 0.836 kg
Dimensions 19.6 × 14.6 × 6.4 cm
ISBN 9780988668102

DVD & Book Curriculum Kit


Curriculum Kit

Original Pub Date


The Behold Your God Set and Teacher’s Guide comes with the 13 DVD set and 1 Leader’s Guide Booklet. The Behold Your God Student Workbook can be purchased separately.

Cinematic Trailer

How does the Study Work?

EndorsementsRead More ↓

‘This is an excellent resource for churches and individuals who desire to “grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ”, and who desire to anchor their biblical faith in the history of the church.’ — IAN HAMILTON

‘This course is perhaps the most significant resource I have encountered in 30 years of Christian ministry. At its core, it is pointing and forcing those leading and those taking part into encountering “The God who is there”.’ — ANDY CHRISTOFIDES

‘The compilers of this DVD series carefully weave together key teachings about God from the Bible with the life stories of men and women who served him at different times in church history. This set of studies will most surely draw people into a richer, deeper experience of life with God.’ — MARK JOHNSTON

‘Using captivating historical vignettes that illustrate the truths being considered BYG goes on to give clear biblical teaching on those biblical themes. Each lesson is a step toward recognizing that the God who worked so powerfully in the past has not changed and the promises and means have not changed. I would encourage you to use this video series in personal study or in a study group.’ — JEFF KINGSWOOD

Series Description

Behold Your God is a 12-week study for churches, small groups, families or individuals containing 12 sessions that are reinforced by a 12-week daily workbook. Each week’s lesson is preceded by a brief historical profile of a notable man or woman of God such as George Muller, A. W. Tozer, Samuel Rutherford, Charles Spurgeon, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Amy Carmichael, Robert Murray M’Cheyne, George Whitefield, Daniel Rowland and Jonathan Edwards.

The heart of each DVD is a 30-minute lesson on one aspect of the Christian life and how it is affected by a biblical rethinking of God’s character. The teaching sessions are led by Dr. John Snyder, pastor of Christ Church in New Albany, Mississippi.

Following each teaching session is a collection of comments from interviews with contemporary Christian leaders who explain how a biblical appreciation of God’s character has affected their own lives and ministries. Among these men are Paul Washer, Richard Owen Roberts, Conrad Mbewe, Andrew Davies, Jordan Thomas and Eifion Evans.

The video portions were filmed on location in the United States and the United Kingdom at key historical sites associated with the lives of the men and women we are considering.

Course ContentsExpand ↓

Week 1: Beholding God – The Great Attraction
Week 2: Beholding God – Clearing the Way for Our Return
Week 3: Beholding God – In the Bible
Week 4: Beholding God – In the Face of Jesus Christ
Week 5: Beholding God – In the Work of Salvation
Week 6: Beholding God and the Response of Personal Holiness
Week 7: Beholding God – Restoring Worship in Our Lives
Week 8: Beholding God and Evangelism
Week 9: Beholding God and Our Christian Service
Week 10: Beholding a Lesser God
Week 11: Beholding God – Avoiding the Lies of Pragmatism
Week 12: Seeking the God We Are Beholding
Each session is approximately 50 minutes long



Submit your testimonial

  1. Amanda Delffs

    Behold Your God brought me into the reality of who God says He is and makes clear the need to look into His word to better know the God we worship. Having been raised in a liberal church, the emphasis was on how we felt about God or who we think He is. Holy scripture makes clear who God is and this study brought me “home” to Him. Though we can never fully understand Him, we can be clear about The mini bios on preachers whom God used greatly to help spread revival were very interesting and enlightening. This is, by far, my favorite Bible study to date.

  2. Hans Timmerman

    For me this was not only a very helpful study that made me (better) understand certain essential, Biblical truths for the Christian life; Most of all Im greatful for and humbled by this study/devotional because it really opened my eyes in an experiential way to this one main Doctrine to grasp: ‘What I think about God determines all other aspects in my life.’ It determines what/how I think about myself, sin & salvation, but eventually it touches every aspect of my daily life! Because in the extend to which your view of God is Biblical, you will very seriously treat all matters in your daily life and test them & yourself accordingly.
    Get to really know, understand and experience this truth. I think thats what this amazing, thorough and deeply Biblically rooted deviotional is all about.
    The way it makes certain Biblical truths spiritually come alive by showing and explaining how God used the lives of specific saints in Christian history, is humbling and at the same time a spiritual delight!
    Im thankful for all these devoted, God-fearing men who laboured for this real treasure. I will continue to use it myself and spread it among family, friends and the bretheren. (Still hoping for the Dutch translation Matthew, there’s great need for this God-centered, Biblical education in the Netherlands) That we may all become better and useful servants of the Lord our Savior. May God greatly use this precious work for the glory of His Name, the benefit of His people and calling those of Him that are at the moment still indifferent to their Savior and Heavenly Father

  3. Lynne Curtis

    My husband and I are using this curriculum in leading a weekly Bible study in our home for a small group of youth, ages 16-20, and we just finished Week 10 of this study. I can honestly say that this has surpassed what had, for years, held the place of my favorite adult Bible study…and that happened early on in this study! It has been so exciting to see the growth occurring in this group of young people and in myself, as well. I am already looking forward to leading the study again with a small group of adults later on this year. Thank you so much for holding fast to the Word of God and teaching the rest of us to behold Him as He is!

  4. wendy.esquivel

    I started with one friend. Then five of us completed the study together.

    God revealed Himself to each one of us in new ways, and we all felt at the end of the study that we knew God in a deeper and a clearer way.

    Agree with other testimonies – this is by far the best Bible study I have done, and I cannot recommend it highly enough.

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