Books on Providence

The Puritan John Flavel reminds us of Psalm 57:2 in his book The Mystery of Providence. The Lord’s providence is indeed mysterious and Flavel sure-footedly guides us through these mysteries. He was a man acquainted with trials and difficulties in his life but who was convinced of the providence of God and of God working in all circumstances to the good of his people.

Friends, we are in the midst of a situation that, for most of us, is unprecedented in our lifetimes. We do well to remember that our God is the God of the Bible; the same today as in days gone by; the God who Flavel wrote about; the God who the scriptures tell us is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble. In these difficult times when our churches, jobs, and physical health are being so disrupted we can be encouraged that our Lord is carrying out his providential care for all of his children and he does so with all mercy and wisdom.

Showing all 8 results

The History of Providence

The History of Providence

As Manifested in Scripture

by Alexander Carson

price From: £6.75
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A subject of the deepest interest to the Christian.’ Takes the reader through the Scriptures and points to instances of God’s providence which will provide comfort for all true believers. 264pp.

price Original price was: £5.75.Current price is: £4.60.
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A crystal-clear explanation of what sin is, why it is so serious, amd what we need to do about it. 284pp.

price From: £3.84
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Based on Psalm 57:2, shows how providence works for us in every stage and experience of our lives. 224pp.

price From: £4.80


Watson explains, from Romans 8:28, how the best and worst experiences work for the good of God’s people. 128pp.

Sovereignty Of God
price £6.25
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What is needed now, as never before,’ says A. W. Pink, ‘is a full, positive, constructive setting forth of the Godhood of God.’ 168pp. Reset edition 2009.

My God Is True!

My God Is True!

Lessons Learned Along Cancer's Dark Road

by Paul D. Wolfe

price From: £5.60


One man’s chronicle of the ‘Lessons learned Along Cancer’s Dark Road’. Paul Wolfe points to the glory, grace and — above all — the faithfulness of God. There is reason — even in the midst of suffering — to worship and rejoice. 168pp.

Hand of God

Hand of God

The Comfort of Having a Sovereign God

by Frederick Leahy

price From: £5.00


The author’s last book, written to show the relevance of the Bible’s teaching on the sovereignty of God to the lives of all men and women. 224pp.

Behind A Frowning Providence
price From: £1.20
Avg. Rating


God’s gracious purpose in the sorrows and suffering of his people. 32pp.

Showing all 8 results