Christian eBooks

The following Christian eBooks include warm devotional and theological books published by the Banner of Truth. Noteworthy eBook titles include the Puritan prayer and devotional collection The Valley of Vision by Arthur Bennett, Thoughts for Young Men by J.C. Ryle, and the 1541 edition of John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion. EBooks are available in ePub and mobi format.

Showing 109–120 of 297 results

price From: £4.50
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Based on Romans 7:21, shows that sin is a powerful inward principle at enmity with God, but that the grace of Christ is all-sufficient. 176pp.

price From: £4.80
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Contains 69 of Rutherford’s letters while suffering for the gospel. 208pp.

price From: £4.80
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A choice book giving rich encouragement for the depressed. 288pp.

price From: £4.50
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Watson’s fine exposition shows the rich provision made in the Supper for all believers, and lays bare the emptiness of mere sacramentalism. 96pp.


The Love of Christ

Expository Sermons on Verses from Song of Solomon Chapters 4-6

by Richard Sibbes

price From: £5.50
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A series of sermons preached by Richard Sibbes (1577-1635) on Song of Solomon 4:16-6:3, demonstrating and setting forth the love of Christ to his church, and the love of the church to Christ. 376pp.

price From: £4.80
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Based on Psalm 57:2, shows how providence works for us in every stage and experience of our lives. 224pp.

Cover of Prayer by Bunyan


by John Bunyan

price From: £4.80
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Brings together Bunyan’s works Praying in the Spirit and The Throne of Grace. 176pp.

price From: £4.80
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Treats the seductive influence and terrible power of Satan in a way ‘greatly more full and suggestive than in the literature of the present day’ (Smeaton). 256pp.

price From: £4.80
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The great classic on the work of the Christian ministry. 256pp.

price From: £5.50
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A collection of meditations on Romans 8:6. 264pp.

Cover of 'A Sure Guide to Heaven'
price From: £4.80
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Previously published under the title An Alarm to the Unconverted, this great evangelistic book is also a spur to personal evangelism. 152pp.

Am I A Christian?
price From: £2.80


Book Description In his book Heaven on Earth, Thomas Brooks wrote, ‘A man may be a true believer, and yet would give all the world, were it in his power, to know that he is a believer. To have grace, and to be sure that we have grace is heaven on this side of heaven.’ […]

Showing 109–120 of 297 results