Published: 1960s

Christian In Complete Armour
price £6.00
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A modernized abridgement of the Puritan classic. 312, 400 & 320pp.

C.H. Spurgeon Autobiography

C.H. Spurgeon Autobiography

Volume 1: The Early Years

by C. H. Spurgeon

price £17.00
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The story of the life of the ‘prince of preachers’, largely in Spurgeon’s own words. Here is an inspiring record of a Christian life which continues to be of blessing for so many. 580 & 536pp.

price £5.00


In a clear and attractive style, describes what it means to be a Christian, and how to become one. 208pp.


The Way Everlasting

A Study in Psalm 139

by E. J. Young

price £5.00


A devotional exposition of Psalm 139. 128pp.

price From: £4.80
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As a pastor of the flock of God, Ryle seeks to guard Christ’s sheep and to warn them of approaching dangers. 176pp.

Thy Word Is Truth

Thy Word Is Truth

Some Thoughts on the Biblical Doctrine of Inspiration

by E. J. Young

price £8.00


The classic popular exposition of the biblical doctrine of inspiration. 280pp.

price From: £8.00
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Endorsement ‘One of the most precious of the peerless works of the Puritans, and those best acquainted with it prize it most.’ — C. H. Spurgeon Book Description In this book Thomas Watson continues his exposition of the Shorter Catechism drawn up by the Westminster Assembly. Watson was one of the most popular preachers in […]

Cover of 'A Summary of Christian Doctrine'
price From: £5.80


Unequalled as a handbook of Christian doctrine, written from an evangelical and reformed viewpoint. Includes questions for review. 165pp.

Sovereignty Of God
price £6.25
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What is needed now, as never before,’ says A. W. Pink, ‘is a full, positive, constructive setting forth of the Godhood of God.’ 168pp. Reset edition 2009.

Select Letters of John Newton
price £6.00


Practical letters on a wide variety of subjects, from ‘the letter writer par excellence of the Evangelical Revival.’ 240pp.



The Story of J.C. Philpot and William Tiptaft

by J. H. Philpot

price £2.00


A moving account of two brothers in Christ and their incredible relationship as they, together, left the Established Church of England in the 1830s. 208pp.

price £7.75


In this major study, the ‘theologian of revival’ analyses the nature of a genuine work of the Holy Spirit. 384pp.