Published: 2015
Showing 1–12 of 18 resultsSorted by latest

A Sad Departure
why we could not stay in the Church of Scotland
Endorsement ‘David Randall has written a lucid manifesto explaining why he and others are leaving the Church of Scotland now. While that may seem a narrow issue of no concern to believers in the rest of the world, it is certainly not. The arguments he proffers for departure from this historic church stand equally true […]

Child in the Manger
The True Meaning of Christmas
Book Description What is Christmas? For many it is a time for holidays, parties, family gatherings, gifts, meals together, music, and special events. For others it can mean unwanted pressure, an increased sense of loneliness, family squabbles, and crowded shops. For those living in the Northern Hemisphere, Christmas takes place at the onset of winter […]

Let us call upon our good God and Father, since all fullness of wisdom and light is found in him, mercifully to enlighten us by his Holy Spirit in the true understanding of his word, and to give us grace to receive it in true fear and humility. May we be taught by his word […]

Book Description The nineteenth century was an age that witnessed great progress in many areas of exploration and learning. However, according to J.C. Ryle, it was an age of great ignorance too. ‘With all the stir made about education’, he wryly observed, ‘the ignorance of our own country’s history is something lamentable and appalling and […]

Jesus Christ, God’s Son, the Saviour
Endorsements ‘Pastoral, but also theological, and gives answers to many of the questions that people have about the person and work of Christ. A great book for evangelism.’ — JEFF KINGSWOOD Book Description Ichthus is the Greek word for a fish. Its five Greek letters form the first letters of the early Christian confession that […]

EndorsementsRead More ↓ ‘[Ryle’s writings are] a distillation of true Puritan theology presented in a highly readable and modern form.’ — D. MARTYN LLOYD-JONES ‘I see [Ryle] as a single-minded Christian communicator of profound biblical, theological, and practical wisdom, a man and minister of giant personal stature and electric force of utterance that sympathetic readers […]

La Salvacion, La Biblia y El Catolicismo Romano
Salvation, the Bible & Roman Catholicism
¿Por qué hay iglesias católicas y protestantes ? ¿Hay alguna razón por un desacuerdo sobre la doctrina que tuvo lugar hace casi 500 años debe seguir dividir a la gente hoy en día? Es no es el caso de que los católicos romanos y protestantes creen básicamente las mismas cosas ? En La Salvación, La […]

Book Description Why Read Church History? is written by a man who is passionate about his subject. With infectious enthusiasm he outlines a number of important reasons why every Christian should develop a keen interest in what God has done in the past. He ably demonstrates the practical value of understanding church history, points out […]

Endorsements ‘Here are first principles for those who wonder if they are being called to the ministry, guidance for those in training, and wisdom for those already engaged in the work. That Preparation for Ministry comes from the desk of Allan Harman—Pastor, Professor, and Principal—is all the recommendation it needs. First class!’ — SINCLAIR B. […]

Many parents and teachers, and some schools, want to start with the Bible when educating their children. Based on the stories from A Bible Alphabet, the pages of this Busy Book provide opportunity for children who are beginning to express themselves in writing to develop the skill of sentence making, while their thoughts are firmly […]

Bible Names
presenting gospel truths to little children using bible names and their meanings
Book Description One of the first words a child learns to recognise, and then to write, is his own name. He identifies not simply with its shape and sound, but often with its origin, especially if he shares it with someone he loves and respects. Bible names were often derivatives of Greek or Hebrew words […]

Endorsements ‘I am thrilled to see this classic work on Presbyterian polity being reissued. And if you think “thrilled” and “Presbyterian polity” don’t belong in the same sentence, that’s just one more reason we need Bannerman’s book. In a day where the doctrine of the church is often thought obscure, irrelevant, and even divisive, Bannerman […]
Showing 1–12 of 18 resultsSorted by latest