Published: 2019

cover image for the Great Transformation by Maurice Roberts

The Great Transformation

The Sanctification and Glorification of the Believer

by Maurice Roberts

price From: £5.00
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Book Description The eight chapters of The Great Transformation bring before the reader the sanctification and glorification of the believer in Jesus. The author, a pastor of many years, explains, illustrates and applies these doctrines with fresh insights into the daily experiences and struggles of the Christian. He shows how they are a great encouragement […]

price From: £6.30
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Book Description How much can we know about God? By definition, the finite mind cannot comprehend the infinite. As soon as we begin to think we have understood something of the love and grace of God we soon learn from Scripture that his love and grace are even greater. The meditations in God is Always […]

price From: £6.30


Endorsements ‘Hodge’s method and matter make him doubly useful in commenting. He is singularly clear, and a great promoter of thought. . . The more we use Hodge the more we value him.’ — C. H. SPURGEON ‘One always turns to Hodge’s commentaries with great confidence, for in him there is that perfect blending of […]

image of the 2 volume set The Covenanters

The Covenanters

A History of the Church in Scotland from 1540-1690


price From: £28.00


EndorsementsRead More ↓ ‘We all owe you a deep debt of gratitude for that wonderful book — The Covenanters.’ — LORD GUTHRIE, 1908 ‘His history is a triumphant vindication of the place which belongs to the Covenanters in the making of Scotland.’ — THE EXPOSITORY TIMES, 1908 ‘Dr Hewison has written a great book, one […]

image of the book 'Meeting Jesus' by R. C. Sproul

Meeting Jesus

The 'I Am' Sayings of Christ


price From: £4.50
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Book Description Who is Jesus? Nearly every adult person has formed some opinion of him. These opinions may be superficial, uninformed, or downright heretical. But does it really matter what we think about Jesus? After all, he was a man who lived nearly 2,000 years ago, so how relevant can he be to people in […]

cover image for the Pastor of Kilsyth by Islay Burns

The Pastor of Kilsyth

The Life and times of W.H. Burns


price From: £6.75
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Endorsements ‘One of the best Scottish ministerial biographies.’ — IAIN H. MURRAY Book Description The Pastor of Kilsyth introduces us to the life and ministry of William Hamilton Burns (1779– 1859), the father of the better known preacher and missionary to China William Chalmers Burns (1815–68). But while eclipsed in fame by his son, the […]


Christ Victorious

Selected Writings of Hugh Martin

by Hugh Martin

price From: £8.50
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Endorsements ‘Hugh Martin’s writings should be in the hands of every Christian — and certainly of every preacher — who appreciates the importance of thoughtful biblical exposition. His penetration into the theology and internal logic of the gospel is virtually unrivalled today. This new selection of his sermons, essays and letters will stimulate a fresh […]

cover image for the Biography of Gresham Machen by Ned Stonehouse

J. Gresham Machen

a biographical memoir

by Ned B. Stonehouse

price £17.50
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Book Description John Gresham Machen (1881–1937) was one of the most significant figures in the evangelical church throughout the twentieth century. He is best known through his vision for a truly evangelical presbyterian church in the USA, and as the founder of Westminster Theological Seminary, Pennsylvania. Gifted with an incisive mind which was finely tuned […]



Life in a Fallen World


price From: £5.50
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Book Description What can we expect from life in a fallen world? How are we to live as redeemed people in such a world? In 22 concise chapters, Benjamin Shaw shows that the answers to these questions are to be found in the message of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes. Whereas some commentators have […]

Front cover of the book Maturity by Sinclair Ferguson


Growing Up and Going On in the Christian Life

by Sinclair B. Ferguson

price From: £6.50
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Endorsements ‘Sinclair Ferguson is the purest kind of theologian. He draws doctrine from the text of Scripture. This, of course, gives confidence to the reader that the doctrines he explains are the ones that come correctly from the mouth of God. Nothing is more important for the believer than getting the doctrines related to sanctification […]

Cover Image for Identity and Attributes of God by Terry Johnson
price From: £8.50
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Endorsements ‘This book is both profound in its theology, lucid in its exposition, and deeply pastoral and practical in its tone and intention. Anyone wanting to dive into the doctrine of God who wants to see how classical theism connects to everyday Christian life – and what is therefore practically at stake when such theology […]


The Great Awakening

A History of the Revival of Religion in the Time of Whitefield and Edwards

by Joseph Tracy

price From: £9.00
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NEW RELEASE Endorsements ‘I can recommend without hesitation the reading of The Great Awakening. It is really one of those marvellous heart-warming books and I cannot imagine a better way of spending a summer holiday. What Tracy gives us is an account of true revival.’ — D. MARTYN LLOYD-JONES ‘The history of genuine revival stirs […]