Scripture Reference: Old Testament

price £1.50


Book Description El autor examina la pregunta que hizo Job hace muchos siglos: “¿Y cómo se justificará el hombre con Dios?” (Job 9:1-2). Y tras un pormenorizado estudio de la cuestión que plantea , acaba desafiando al lector: “¿Cómo vas a justificarte ante Dios? Permítaseme expresarlo de manera mas apremiante. Si tuvieras que presentarte ante […]

price £7.00


Book Description La interpretacion del capitulo 3 de Génesis es crucial para nuestra comprension de la Biblia y del Evangelio cristiano. ¿Fue “la Caída” realmente una etapa en la emancipación y evolución del hombre? ¿Es el relato del pecado de Adán y Eva simplemente una parábola que describe cómo los hombres y las mujeres no […]

Prayers on the Psalms

Prayers on the Psalms

From the Scottish Psalter of 1595


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Endorsement ‘Prayers on the Psalms is a triple treasure to me. It was edited by my beloved mentor David B. Calhoun, who is truly a gift to the church, it is drawn from the great Scottish Psalter of 1595 and the translated French prayers of Huguenot pastor martyr Augustin Marlorat, and it is based on […]

Daily Prayer and Praise

Daily Prayer and Praise

Volume 2: Psalms 76-150, The Book of Psalms Arranged for Private and Family Use

by Henry Law

price £6.00


Devotional studies of all 150 Psalms, in easily-managed portions for reading daily. 304pp.

Daily Prayer and Praise

Daily Prayer and Praise

Volume 1: Psalms 1-75, The Book of Psalms Arranged for Private and Family Use

by Henry Law

price £6.00


Devotional studies of all 150 Psalms, in easily-managed portions for reading daily. 384pp.

image of Daily Prayer and Praise 2 volume set

Daily Prayer and Praise

2 Volume Set: The Book of Psalms Arranged for Private and Family Use

by Henry Law

price £10.00


Includes both Volume 1 and 2 of Daily Prayer and Praise by Henry Law. Devotional studies of all 150 Psalms, in easily-managed portions for reading daily. 688pp.


The Love of Christ

Expository Sermons on Verses from Song of Solomon Chapters 4-6

by Richard Sibbes

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A series of sermons preached by Richard Sibbes (1577-1635) on Song of Solomon 4:16-6:3, demonstrating and setting forth the love of Christ to his church, and the love of the church to Christ. 376pp.

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A choice book giving rich encouragement for the depressed. 288pp.


The Great Gain of Godliness

Practical Notes on Malachi 3:16-18

by Thomas Watson

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A lightly-edited version of Watson’s exposition of Malachi 3:16–18. 176pp.


Wells Of Salvation

Meditations on Isaiah

by Chas & Norma Ellis

price £5.00


98 short meditations on the entire book of Isaiah, underlining the greatness of God and encouraging joy in his victory. 224pp.


Wayward But Loved

A Commentary and Meditations on the Book of Hosea

by Ray Beeley

price £6.00


In this ‘Commentary and Meditations on Hosea’, the author shows that the waywardness of God’s people does not prevent the magnificent display of God’s saving and sanctifying love. 240pp.


The Way Everlasting

A Study in Psalm 139

by E. J. Young

price £5.00


A devotional exposition of Psalm 139. 128pp.