Stuart Olyott Books

Ministering Like Master

Ministering Like the Master

Three Messages for Today's Preachers

by Stuart Olyott

price From: £4.80
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The Lord Jesus was not a boring preacher! ‘Three Messages for Today’s Preachers’, which show just how essential Christ’s example is to those who seek to minister in his name today. 96pp.


Ministrar como el Maestro

Ministering Like the Master

by Stuart Olyott

price £5.50


Book Description ¡Cristo no fue un predicador aburrido! ‘¡Qué maravilloso sería- dice Stuart Olyott en la introducción de este libro – que los predicadores cristianos de todo el mundo estuvieran ministrando como su Maestro!’… Utilizando ejemplos de la predicación de Cristo en los Evangelios, Olyott desafía a los predicadores de hoy con tres elementos del […]

I Wish Someone Would Explain Hebrews to Me
price From: £6.75
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In this straightforward commentary, Olyott gives crystal clear explanations of the text, followed by detailed practical applications. 208pp.

Reading the Bible and Praying in Public
price £1.25


Olyott supplies wise practical advice on two vitally important acts of our corporate church worship. 24pp.

Preaching that Gets Through

Preaching That Gets Through

God's Word and our words

by Stuart Olyott

price From: £2.00


Instruction, help and encouragement for preachers seeking to communicate the gospel message more effectively. 40pp.