Samuel Rutherford Books

price From: £4.80
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Contains 69 of Rutherford’s letters while suffering for the gospel. 208pp.


Trial and Triumph of Faith

Lessons From Christ's Gracious Answers to a Woman Whose Faith Would Not Give up

by Samuel Rutherford

price £6.50


Expounding the incident of the healing of the daughter of the Canaanite woman (Matt. 15 & Mark 7), Rutherford eloquently shows the nature of true faith in Christ and persistence in prayer. 416pp.

The Loveliness of Christ
price From: £5.00
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Endorsement ‘Surprising though it may seem in a world of large books, of all those owned by our family this may be the one we have most often lent or quoted to friends. It is full of rich spiritual wisdom and insight culled from the experience of a man who knew both the sorrows of […]

price £18.50
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Contains 365 of Rutherford’s incomparable letters, with a sketch of his life by the editor, Andrew Bonar, a Glossary and Index. ‘Every page is sweetly perfumed with the Saviour’—Gospel Standard. 768pp.