Books on Theology
Showing 61–72 of 439 resultsSorted by latest
Behold Your God Set and Teacher’s Guide
Rethinking God Biblically
The Behold Your God Set and Teacher’s Guide comes with the 13 DVD set and 1 Leader’s Guide Booklet. The Behold Your God Student Workbook can be purchased separately. Cinematic Trailer How does the Study Work? EndorsementsRead More ↓ ‘This is an excellent resource for churches and individuals who desire to “grow in the grace […]
Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically (Workbook)
The Twelve-Week Study Companion to Behold Your God
The Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically Student Workbook is the companion product to the Behold Your God Set and Teacher’s Guide. EndorsementsRead More ↓ ‘This is an excellent resource for churches and individuals who desire to “grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ”, and who desire to anchor their biblical faith in the […]
Christ Set Forth
As the Cause of Justification and as the Object of Justifying Faith
*New retypeset edition* Endorsements ‘Turning to nearly any page in this volume, readers will be rewarded with a remarkably pastoral theology of justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.’ — MICHAEL HORTON Book Description First published in 1642, Christ Set Forth — one of Thomas Goodwin’s most beloved and enduring works — […]
Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots
Endorsement ‘A book I think every Christian should read. It is so readable, so accessible, a very simple style of presentation, but absolutely forceful, and discerning. Every time I read it the Lord uses it to press upon me the importance and the possibility of holiness. It’s one of those books that makes you feel […]
Confessing the Faith
A Reader's Guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith
EndorsementsRead More ↓ ‘A true gem. It deserves to be the standard reference book for any pastor seeking to use the Westminster Standards in his ministry. It should be the first volume for which any Sunday School teacher reaches when asked to do a class on the Confession. It should be the constant companion of […]
Endorsements ‘Any who wish to encounter Calvin’s systematic theology at its most pastoral, freest from controversial preoccupations, and mediated through superlative translation, should devour this rendering of the Reformer’s own French version of the second edition of his Institutes.’ — J. I. PACKER Book Description The Institutes of the Christian Religion are Calvin’s single most […]
No hay otro Evangelio
No Other Gospel
Book Description En el prologo del primer volumen del New Park Street Pulpit , de cuya coleccion provienen los sermones de este libro , , Spurgeon decia: ‘Recurrimos con frecuencia a la palabra calvinismo por designar esta corta palabra aquella parte de la verdad divina que ensena que la salvacion es solo por gracia.’ Y […]
From the Mouth of God
Trusting, Reading, and Applying the Bible
Book Description THE BIBLE, Why should we believe, as Jesus did, that it is ‘the mouth of God’? When did it come into existence? Is it inerrant? What do we need to learn in order to understand it better? How does its teaching change our lives? In From the Mouth of God, Sinclair B […]
None But Jesus
Selections from the writings of John Flavel
Endorsement ‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but […]
Endorsements If you have never read anything of Spurgeon before, this book is for you, and a treat awaits you. If you want to press in to know Christ better, to know all he is for you and what he has done for you, read this. , MICHAEL REEVES Book Description CHARLES HADDON SPURGEON was […]
The Christian’s Great Enemy
A Practical Exposition of I Peter 5:8-11
Endorsement ‘The republication of John Brown’s brief and readable study of “The Christian’s Great Enemy” is both timely and helpful. For younger Christians it will provide a pocket manual for spiritual warfare. At the same time it will serve as a refresher course for more seasoned Christians who are aware of their own weakness and […]
Book Description In the early 1560s Frederick III (1516-76), Elector Palatine desired that his subjects be led to a ‘devout knowledge and fear of the Almighty and his holy Word of salvation’. He commissioned a group of theologians and ministers to compose a catechetical summary of biblical truth that could be committed to memory and […]
Showing 61–72 of 439 resultsSorted by latest