Books on Salvation
Showing 61–72 of 141 resultsSorted by latest

The Works of Richard Sibbes
Volume 1
Book Description More than anything else, Richard Sibbes was a great preacher. He never lost sight of the fact that the best Christian counselling is done through the patient and enlivening exposition of the Word of God. Sibbes excelled as a comforter of the troubled and doubting, but he also possessed the rare gift of […]

The Works Of Jonathan Edwards
Volume 1
Book Description The only full edition of Edwards’ Works currently available. Dr. D. M. Lloyd-Jones said ‘In my early days in the ministry there were no books which helped me more, both personally and in respect of my preaching, than this two-volume edition of The Works of Jonathan Edwards…I devoured these volumes and literally just […]

The Works Of Jonathan Edwards
2 Volume Set
Book Description Dr. D. M. Lloyd-Jones said ‘In my early days in the ministry there were no books which helped me more, both personally and in respect of my preaching, than this two-volume edition of The Works of Jonathan Edwards…I devoured these volumes and literally just read and read them. It is certainly true that […]

The Works of John Owen
16 Volume Set
*40% off until 2.12.24* Book Description Despite his other achievements, Owen is best famed for his writings. These cover the range of doctrinal, ecclesiastical and practical subjects. They are characterized by profundity, thoroughness and, consequently, authority. Andrew Thomson said that Owen ‘makes you feel when he has reached the end of his subject, that he […]

The Works of John Owen
Volume 12: The Gospel Defended
Book Description Despite his other achievements, Owen is best famed for his writings. These cover the range of doctrinal, ecclesiastical and practical subjects. They are characterized by profundity, thoroughness and, consequently, authority. Andrew Thomson said that Owen ‘makes you feel when he has reached the end of his subject, that he has also exhausted it.’ […]

The Works of John Owen
Volume 10: The Death of Christ
Volume Description ‘Of the many issues with which God’s people humbly wrestle, among the most critical is the atonement made by Jesus Christ. This lies at the heart of our Christian confidence and comfort. We are not the first to consider this, and we do well to consider the wisdom of those who have gone […]

The Works of John Owen
Volume 9: Sermons to the Church
Book Description Despite his other achievements, Owen is best famed for his writings. These cover the range of doctrinal, ecclesiastical and practical subjects. They are characterized by profundity, thoroughness and, consequently, authority. Andrew Thomson said that Owen ‘makes you feel when he has reached the end of his subject, that he has also exhausted it.’ […]

The Works of John Owen
Volume 5: Faith and its Evidences
Commendation of Volume Five ‘The biblical doctrine of justification by faith is that by which the church stands or falls – so thought Martin Luther. John Owen was of the same conviction. Volume 5 of Owen’s works consists of two works: Evidences of the Faith of God’s Elect – a short, valuable exposition of the […]

The Works of John Owen
Volume 4: The Work of the Holy Spirit
Book Description Despite his other achievements, Owen is best famed for his writings. These cover the range of doctrinal, ecclesiastical and practical subjects. They are characterized by profundity, thoroughness and, consequently, authority. Andrew Thomson said that Owen ‘makes you feel when he has reached the end of his subject, that he has also exhausted it.’ […]

The Works of John Owen
Volume 3: The Holy Spirit
Volume Description ‘Our understanding of the Holy Spirit is sadly beset with aberrations, exaggerations and over-reactions. Many Reformed believers, rightly troubled by various excesses and abuses, may be in danger of knowing all that the Holy Spirit is not, and all the things which he does not do. Let John Owen correct and instruct you! […]

The Works of John Flavel
6 Volume Set
John Flavel was a favourite with Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield (who ranked him with John Bunyan and Matthew Henry), and, a century later, with such Scottish evangelical leaders as R. M. M’Cheyne and Andrew Bonar. Book Description The repeated editions of Flavel’s Works bear their own witness to his popularity. His complete works had […]

The Works Of John Bunyan
3 Volume Set
Book Description John Bunyan is best known for his famous allegorical works. He was prepared to suffer the hardship of imprisonment, in order to expound these great works. But his exposition of them was not confined to allegory, and in his many other works, like, ‘Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ’ and ‘An Exposition of […]
Showing 61–72 of 141 resultsSorted by latest