Let’s Study Luke

Weight 1.12 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.4 × 0.9 in
ISBN 9780851518961

Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)


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Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Jan 1, 2005

Page Count







Let’s Study


‘The whole unfolding Let’s Study series is a must for every Christian home that is serious about getting to know the Word.’ — COVENANTER WITNESS

Book Description

Luke’s Gospel is well suited to 21st century readers because it is written in a style that appeals to the imagination, deals with people’s lives, is easy to read, and wholly enjoyable. Through his narratives Luke portrays Jesus vividly and makes him accessible for anyone who seriously reads his Gospel.

Let’s Study Luke will not only guide you through the twenty-four chapters of Luke’s fascinating book, but will help you to understand and apply it in practical ways to your daily life.

  • Accessible: Each volume in the Let’s Study series mines the Scriptures to get to the root of the text, but is written in an approachable and friendly, tone, making them an excellent resource for the layperson.
  • Practical: The warm, pastoral explanation of the text is coupled with concise, practical, helpful application.
  • Designed for group study: Each volume in the Let’s Study series includes a Group Study Guide in the back of the book to help facilitate discussion—an excellent tool for leading family worship or small groups.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

PROLOGUE (1:1-4)
 1. What Is a Gospel? (1:1-4) 1
 2. A Promised Child (1:5-25) 3
3. The Incarnation (1:26-38) 8
 4. The Grandeur of God (1:39-56) 12
 5. Zechariah's Song (1:57-80) 17
 6. Jesus the Saviour Is Born (2:1-20) 21
7. Simeon's Song and Anna's Witness (2:21-40) 26
 8. The Adolescent Jesus (2:41-52) 31
 9. John the Prophet (3:1-20) 35
 10. Jesus Is Baptized (3:21-22) 41
 11. Jesus' Family Tree (3:23-38) 43
 12. The Temptation of Jesus (4:1-13) 46
 13. Popularity and Rejection (4: 14-30) 51
 14. Jesus' Authority (4:31-37) 55
15. Jesus' Varied Ministry (4:38-44) 58
 16. A Sinful Man (5:1-11) 62
17. A Leper Cleansed (5:12-16) 66
 18. A Paralytic Healed (5:17-26) 68
 19. A Tax-Collector Called (5:27-32) 72
 20. The Old versus the New (5:33-39) 74
 21. Two Sabbath Controversies (6:1-11) 77
 22. Leaders of the Kingdom (6:12-16) 80
 23. Living in the Kingdom (6:17-49) 83
 24. A Gentile Disciple (7:1-10) 90
 25. Jesus, the Compassion of God (7:11-17) 93
 26. A Eulogy (7:18-35) 96
 27. Jesus' Table talk (1) (7:36-50) 100
 28. Helpful Women (8:1-3) 105
 29. Responding to Christ's Word (8:4-15) 107
 30. More on God's Word (8:16-21) 112
 31. He Holds the Cyclone in His Hand (8:22-25) 115
 32. Jesus Restores a Lost Human Being (8:26-39) 118
 33. Saved by Faith Alone (8:40-56) 122
 34. The First Missionary Movement (9:1-9) 126
 35. A Miracle of Feeding (9:10-17) 129
 36. Jesus, the Cross and Resurrection (9:18-22) 132
 37. The Cost of Discipleship (9:23-27) 136
 38. We Saw His Glory (9:28-36) 140
 39. Man's Inability, God's Sufficiency (9:37-45) 145
 40. Greatness and Tolerance (9:46-50) 149
 41. The Final Journey and Its Lessons (9:51-56) 152
 42. Some Tests of Discipleship (9:57-62) 155
 43. Principles of Christian Mission (10:1-12) 158
 44. Judgement and Joy (10:13-24) 161
 45. Loving Our Neighbour (10:25-37) 167
 46. Sisterly Lessons (10:38-42) 172
 47. A Teaching Module on Prayer (11:1-13) 174
 48. Jesus and the Evil Powers (11:14-26) 180
 49. An Assortment of Sayings (11:27-36) 184
 50. Six Prophetic Woes (11:37-54) 189
 51. Double Standards, Fear and Confession (12:1-12) 194
 52. Life Is More, Not Less (12:13-34) 199
53. Be Ready and Responsible (12:35-48) 205
 54. Causing Division, Interpreting the Times and Being Reconciled (12:49-59) 209
 55. The Moral Lessons of Tragedy (13:1-5) 213
 56. The Patience of the Lord (13:6-9) 215
 57. A Woman Released, Satan Defeated and God Glorified (13:10-17) 217
 58. Two Snapshots of the Kingdom (13:18-21) 219
59. The First Shall Be Last (13:22-30) 221
 60. Jerusalem! Jerusalem! (13:31-35) 224
 61. Jesus' Table talk (2) (14:1-24) 227
 62. What Will It Cost to Follow Jesus (14:25-35) 233
63. God's Joy at Finding Lost Things (15:1-10) 237
 64. The Man with Two Sons (15:11-32) 241
65. Learning from the World (16:1-13) 247
66. The Law and the Kingdom (16:14-18) 251
 67. Rich Man, Poor Man (16:19-31) 254
 68. A Second Assortment of Sayings (17:1-10) 258
 69. Then There Was One (17:11-19) 262
 70. The Coming of the King (17:20-37) 265
 71. Keep on Praying! (18:1-8) 269
 72. Self-centred and God-centred Religion (18:9-14) 272
 73. Learning from Children (18:15-17) 275
 74. The Rich Man Who Went Away Poor and the Poor Disciples Who Will Be Rich (18:18-30) 277
 75. Going up to Jerusalem (18:31-34) 282
76. Your Faith Has Saved You (18:35-43) 284
77. The Heart of the Gospel (19:1-10) 286
 78. The Kingdom? Not Yet! (19:11-27) 289
 79. Three Messianic Signs (19:28-48) 295
 80. By Whose Authority? (20:1-8) 301
 81. Jesus the Key to the History of Salvation (20:9-19) 303
 82. God and Caesar (20:20-26) 307
83. If There Is No Resurrection ... (20:27-40) 309
 84. Is Jesus a Son? (20:41-44) 313
 85. Beware - Theologians at Work! (20:45-47) 315
 86. Generous Giving (21:1-4) 317
 87. The End of the World (21:5-38) 319
THE PASSION (22:1-23:56)
 88. The Beginning of the End (22:1-6) 328
 89. The Last Supper (22:7-20) 331
 90. Final Table talk (3) (22:21-38) 336
 91. The Final Crisis (22:39-46) 343
 92. The Arrest (22:47-53) 347
 93. Peter's Dark Night of the Soul (22:54-62) 350
 94. The Trials of Jesus (1) (22:63-71) 353
 95. The Trials of Jesus (2) (23:1-25) 356
 96. On the Way to the Cross (23:26-31) 361
 97. Jesus among the Criminals (23:32-43) 364
 98. The End (23:44-49) 370
 99. Jesus' Burial (23:50-56) 375
 100. Jesus Is Risen! (24:1-12) 378
 101. A Journey with a Difference (24:13-35) 382
 102. The Real Presence of Jesus (24:36-43) 388
 103. Retrospect and Prospect (24:44-49) 390
 104. Leave-taking (24:50-53) 393


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