Books on Jesus Christ

Jonathan Edwards On Knowing Christ
price Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $13.50.


A selection of ten of Edwards’ sermons providing a fine sample of the God-centredness of this pastor/theologian’s ministry. 280pp.

Is It Nothing To You?

Is It Nothing To You?

The Unchanging Significance of the Cross

by Frederick Leahy

price Original price was: $9.00.Current price is: $8.10.


Subtitled ‘The Unchanging Significance of the Cross,’ this book draws our attention to some of the events surrounding the death of Jesus. 144pp.


The ‘I Wills’ Of Christ

Thoughts on Some of the Passages in Which the Words 'I will' are Used by our Lord Jesus Christ

by P. B. Power

price Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $9.00.


An Exposition on the promises of Christ. It is these promises which form the foundation of all true Christian experience and provide hope, encouragement and challenge in Christian living. 400pp.

The Face of Jesus Christ

The Face of Jesus Christ

Sermons on the Person and Work of Our Lord

by Archibald G. Brown

price From: $12.00


Contains 22 sermons on the person and work of our Lord by Archibald Brown (1844–1922). 256pp.

Divine Glory Of Christ
price Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $4.50.
Avg. Rating


A Book on the Deity of Christ. In C.H. Spurgeon’s opinion the book, first published in 1867, is ‘small but precious and much to our personal edification’.

Cover image for 'Christ For Us'

Christ For Us

Sermons of Hugh Martin

by Hugh Martin

price Original price was: $11.00.Current price is: $9.90.


Sermons in which Martin (1822-85) traces all blessings to Jesus. 261pp.

Book Cover For Beginning With John's Gospel

Beginning With John’s Gospel

The Introduction to John's Gospel Simply Explained

by Susan Harding

price Original price was: $6.00.Current price is: $5.40.


The opening verses of John’s Gospel are used to explain who Jesus was and why he came into the world. For ages 7-10. 64pp. Illustrated.

Advice for Seekers by Charles Spurgeon
price From: $10.00


Help for seekers and doubting Christians about God’s way of salvation. 96pp.

The Suffering Saviour

The Suffering Saviour

A Series of Devotional Meditations

by F. W. Krummacher

price Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $27.00.


Devotional meditations described as the greatest single volume of the 19th century on the last days of Christ’s earthly ministry. 464pp.

Songs of the Nativity by John Calvin

Songs of the Nativity

Selected Sermons on Luke 1 & 2

by John Calvin

price Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $24.30.


Preached in Geneva between October 1559 and March 1560, Calvin’s sermons on the nativity story are the fruit of almost twenty-five years of gospel ministry. 280pp.

Book Cover For 'Born of God'

Born of God

Sermons from John Chapter 1

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

price From: $16.00
Avg. Rating


These 32 powerful sermons from John chapter 1 are part of the last great Lloyd-Jones Sunday-morning series at Westminster Chapel. Their central focus is the life that flows from the Lord Jesus Christ, received by faith, the life that characterizes those who are ‘born of God’. 488pp.

Romans, Volume 5 by Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Romans 6

Volume 5: The New Man

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

price Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $26.10.
Avg. Rating


The longest series of expositions preached in Westminster Chapel during Dr Lloyd-Jones’ 30-year ministry there was on this the greatest of the New Testament Epistles. 238–528pp.