Books on Jesus Christ


Jesus Himself

The Story of the Resurrection

by Marcus L. Loane

price Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $14.40.


A moving study of Jesus’ resurrection and the events that followed it, told with a heart-warming freshness and loveliness. 144pp.

The Works of Richard Sibbes
price Original price was: $189.00.Current price is: $170.10.
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Book Description After William Perkins, ‘the heavenly Doctor Sibbes’ was the most significant of the great Puritan preachers of Cambridge. This reprint of the complete seven-volume set of the Works of Richard Sibbes shows why this is so. Strong thoughts, simple sentences, deep knowledge of the Bible and the human heart and a sure pastoral […]

Christ is Best by Richard Sibbes

Christ is Best

or St. Paul's Straight

by Richard Sibbes

price From: $3.00


Endorsement ‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but […]

The Death of the Saviour by Richard Phillips

The Death of the Saviour

Studies in John's Gospel

by Richard D. Phillips

price From: $13.00


In seven short studies in the nineteenth chapter of John’s Gospel, the author takes a fresh look at the amazing story of the death of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 104pp.

Majesty in Misery

Majesty in Misery

Volume 1: Dark Gethsemane

by C. H. Spurgeon

price Original price was: $26.00.Current price is: $23.40.
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A wonderful selection of the best of Spurgeon’s sermons on the Passion of Christ, reset in a modern, easy-to-read format. 288, 320 & 400pp.

The Love of Christ by Richard Sibbes

The Love of Christ

Expository Sermons on Verses from Song of Solomon Chapters 4-6

by Richard Sibbes

price From: $14.00
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A series of sermons preached by Richard Sibbes (1577-1635) on Song of Solomon 4:16-6:3, demonstrating and setting forth the love of Christ to his church, and the love of the church to Christ. 376pp.

The Glory of Christ by John Owen
price From: $8.00
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Towards the end of his life, the great Puritan pastor and theologian meditates upon Jesus Christ, the heart of the gospel, with biblical insight and understanding that is at times overwhelming. 184pp.

Communion with God by John Owen
price From: $12.00
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In this outstanding book, Owen explains the nature of the Christian’s communion with God and describes the many privileges it brings. 256pp.

Mark's Sketch Book Of Christ
price Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.80.
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A workbook to encourage careful and enjoyable Bible study, and to help readers think for themselves about the real message of Mark’s Gospel. 118pp. Spiral binding. Illustrated.

price Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $27.00.


Studies in Theology contains articles by Warfield on a wide and fascinating variety of themes. The 21 essays in this volume provide a glorious kaleidoscope of Warfield's written ministry. 690pp.

price Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $15.30.


These sermons preached in the Chapel of Princeton Seminary are biblically instructive and spiritually engaging expositions. 280pp.

cover image for 'Coming to Faith in Christ'
price From: $2.00
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A straightforward summary of the Christian gospel. 16pp.