
Volume 1: God's Ultimate Purpose (1:1-23)

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Weight .688 kg
Dimensions 22.22 × 14.12 × 3.175 cm
ISBN 9781800403383




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Lloyd Jones on Ephesians





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Book Description

When a spiritual history of the 20th century comes to be written it will be bound to include mention not only of the far-reaching influence of Dr Lloyd-Jones’ ministry at Westminster Chapel, London (1938–1968), but of the remarkable fact that subsequently the published volumes of his New Testament expository sermons have had a circulation unprecedented for such material during the last century.

At a time of general doubt as to the relevance and appeal of preaching, the author has shown that, when the message of Scripture is taught with Spirit-given authority, and in popular form, it retains its power over the heart and mind and conscience. The help which thousands have experienced from the sermons already published is, in the first instance, due to this fact.

God’s Ultimate Purpose, while possessing the same general characteristics as the volumes already issued, is likely to attract particular attention. For one thing, it was the sermons on this first chapter of Ephesians, commenced at Westminster on Sunday mornings in the autumn of 1954, that proved to be the start of the author’s prolonged treatment of various New Testament books. By that date Dr Lloyd-Jones had been more than 25 years in the ministry and his convictions on how Scripture should be taught were fully matured. The sermons on Ephesians were, therefore, in a sense a new point of departure. The series on the Epistle to the Romans was to follow in 1955.

But quite apart from its significance in Dr Lloyd-Jones’ ministry, Ephesians Chapter 1 will always be of major importance in any consideration of the New Testament. As the author writes in his Preface: ‘The Epistle to the Ephesians is the most “mystical” of Paul’s epistles, and nowhere does his inspired mind soar to greater heights. There is no greater privilege in life than to be called to expound what Thomas Carlyle called such “infinities and immensities.”’


This volume is the first in a series of eight volumes.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

1. Introduction 3
2. ‘Saints … and the faithful in Christ Jesus’ 15
3. Grace, Peace, Glory 29
4. The Everlasting Covenant 41
5. ‘All Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly Places’ 53
6. ‘In Heavenly Places’ 65
7. ‘Chosen in Him’ 79
8. ‘Holy and without Blame before Him in love’ 93
9. Adoption 105
10. Higher than Adam 117
11. The Glory of God 129
12. ‘In the Beloved’ 139
13. Redemption 151
14. ‘Through His Blood’ 165
15. The Riches of His Grace 177
16. The Mystery of His Will 191
17. All Things re-united in Christ 205
18. ‘We … Ye also’ 219
19. The Counsel of His own Will 233
20. ‘Heard, Believed, Trusted’ 245
21. Sealed with the Spirit 257
22. The Nature of Sealing [1] 269
23. The Nature of Sealing [2] 281
24. True and Counterfeit Experiences 295
25. Problems and Difficulties concerning the Sealing 307
26. ‘The Earnest of our Inheritance’ 319
27. Tests of Christian Profession 331
28. ‘The Father of Glory’ 345
29. The Christian’s Knowledge of God 357
30. Wisdom and Revelation 369
31. ‘The Hope of his Calling’ 383
32. ‘The Riches of the Glory of His Inheritance in the Saints’ 397
33. ‘The Exceeding Greatness of His Power’ 411
34. ‘Power to us-ward who Believe’ 423
35. His Power from Beginning to End 435
36. ‘The Church which is His Body’ 447
37. The Final Consummation 461


Submit your testimonial

  1. mscovill

    Being blessed daily by this careful exposition. Dr. Lloyd-Jones has a way of preaching to us in the Spirit and through these words. What I value most about Him is that reality, that he preaches always with a mind that is always reflecting on the reality of what is preached here in Ephesians one, that we are NOW in the heavenly places, alive with Christ. The Gospel is transformative of every thought that is thought in Christ and this exposition carries us along in that manner. Always keeping before us, our residency in Heaven through the Gospel and how moving it is. Wishing that Banner could make these available in the States. Praise God for his mercy and grace in the ministry of Dr. Lloyd-Jones.

  2. Brion Burkett

    Last year I finished the complete Romans series by MLJ and have just begun this first volume in his treatment of Ephesians. I can say without hesitation that this has already settled questions that I have had for over 23 years regarding the sealing of the Spirit, the difference between being filled and baptized in the Spirit, and so much more. I heartily recommend reading this book; especially if you hope for a Christian walk that is both relevant and pertinent for today’s challenges. As per the Doctor’s eternal wisdom and deep care for the modern mind, answers abound here. As do strength, encouragement, and clarity. A must read.

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