Setting Our Sights on Heaven

Why It's Hard and Why It's Worth It

Weight 0.30 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 13.6 × 1.5 cm
ISBN 9781848711433

Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)



Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Oct 3, 2011


Spiritual Growth

Page Count



Whole Bible


‘Wolfe is two for two. He is not a one-book wonder. He tackles the question of heaven in a down-to-earth fashion that steers clear of the sentimentalism and vague theology so often associated with the subject. This book helps me not only to fulfil my pastoral duty in preparing my people for death but, more importantly, to prepare myself. I am more interested in going to heaven now having read this book!’ — ALISTAIR BEGG

Book Description

In Setting Our Sights on Heaven, Paul Wolfe brings out the Bible’s teaching about heaven, addressing the various factors that tend to push heaven out of our minds, and provides gospel remedies that help us push it back to where it belongs.

A Guided Book Tour of Setting Our Sights On Heaven

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Foreword ix
Acknowledgments xiii
Introduction xvii
PART 1: THE WORLD TO COME The Bible’s teaching about heaven and heavenly-mindedness 1
1 From Beginning to End Heaven’s past, present and future 3
2 Show Me the Way To Go Home How we get to heaven, and how heaven gets to earth 21
3 Set Your Minds What heavenly-mindedness entails 45
4 Down to Earth The difference heavenly-mindedness makes now 61
PART 2: THE CURE FOR WHAT AILS US Why we struggle to be heavenly-minded, and what to do about it 77
5 Mourning into Dancing Dispensing with doubts about our destiny 81
6 Face Forward Breaking free from obsession with the past 93
7 Harps and Clouds Clearing away confusion about what heaven will be like 107
8 This Vanishing Vapour Living in light of the shortness of life 117
9 Get Wisdom Answering the question, ‘What is God’s will for my life?’ 129
10 Love Your Loved Ones Living so as to prepare others for our dying 141
11 If It’s Sunday, It Must Be Heaven Grasping the heavenliness of the church’s Sabbath assembly 151
12 The Whole Counsel of God Coming to grips with the Bible’s teaching about hell 165
13 Wayfaring Strangers Nurturing a pilgrim mindset 179



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  1. Jo Burl

    While this is a book that should be read slowly and thoughtfully, I admit that I read it fast, in 2 days. I just couldn’t stop reading it. It not only talks about heaven and what scripture says about it, but it presents the Gospel as well. I plan on giving it to someone who doesn’t know the way to heaven. I wish I could afford to buy a case of books to give to everyone I know.

    I found this book because Alistair Begg’s Truth for Life program recommended it and I thought I’d check it out. Glad I did!!

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