The Life of John Milne of Perth

Weight 0.64 kg
Dimensions 22.3 × 14.3 × 3.2 cm
ISBN 9780851519616

Cloth-bound, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Cloth-bound & eBook (ePub & Kindle)



Page Count


Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Jul 1, 2010

Book Description

John Milne became minister of St. Leonard’s, Perth, in 1839, and was almost immediately associated with an awakening in which an outstanding circle of preachers shared. Among them were his close friends, William Burns, Robert M’Cheyne, and Horatius Bonar. Bonar, author and hymn writer, was at his best in his Life of John Milne. From first-hand knowledge of the revival period, and from original documents, he has preserved an account of Milne and the evangelicals who, in the words of Alexander Whyte, ‘had an immense influence on the religious life of Scotland’.

These men shared the conviction of M’Cheyne, ‘It is not great gifts God uses so much as great likeness to Christ’. The Milne biography wonderfully illustrates that truth. It shows us why, at a later date, C.H. Waller, could speak of the 1840s in Scotland as ‘the nearest approach he knew to apostolic conditions of faith and living’.

Apart from a short period of missionary service in India, Milne spent his whole ministry in Perth as a pastor and evangelist. Bonar’s account of one who lived close to Christ remains a guide to what the churches need in every age.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

1 Birth — Studies — Removal to Perth, 1807-39 1
2 Settlement in Perth, 1839-40 11
3 First Years in Perth, 1840-42 18
4 Letters and Reminiscences, 1840-42 26
5 Times of Refreshing, 1840-41 40
6 Church Movements and Letters, 1841-43 68
7 Times of Waiting upon God — Various Years 85
8 Evangelistic Tours — Various Years 97
9 Marriage and Family Sorrows, 1847-53 113
10 Thoughts of India, and Correspondence about It, 1853 132
11  Decision as to India, 1853 154
12 Farewells — Voyage, 1853 168
13 In India, 1853-54 183
14 In India, 1854-57 211
15 Resettlement in Perth, and Work There, 1858-66 259
16 Illnesses and Labours, 1866-67 314
17 His Last Months, 1868 342
18 Miscellaneous Gatherings — Various Years 366
Inscription on Monument 398
Appendices 401



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