The Puritan Hope

Revival and the Interpretation of Prophecy

Look Inside Price £8.00

Weight 0.50 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 13.6 × 2.2 cm
ISBN 9781848714786




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Original Pub Date


Book Description

Today the Church’s hope in respect to her mission of discipling all nations is in eclipse. The world gives Christianity no future and evangelicals themselves doubt whether the cause of Christ can ever attain to a greater triumph before his Second Advent. Must the prospects for succeeding generations be darker than those of today? Can we even expect any period of history to intervene before the Advent of Christ? How can readiness for Christ’s coming be consistent with the belief that revivals are yet to be given to the Church? Such questions are brought to the fore in this book and the author, employing both exposition of Scripture and much historical and biographical material, sets out the case for believing that it is not ‘orthodox’ to indulge in gloom over the prospect for Christianity in the world.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Introduction xiii
1 Revival Christianity: England 1
2 Revival Christianity: Scotland 19
3 Unfulfilled Prophecy: The Development of the Hope 37
4 Apostolic Testimony: The Basis of the Hope 57
5 The Hope and Puritan Piety 85
6 The Eighteenth-Century Awakening: The Hope Revived 107
7 World Missions: The Hope Spreading 129
8 The Hope and Scotland’s Missionaries 167
9 The Eclipse of the Hope 195
10 Christ’s Second Coming: The Best Hope 219
11 The Prospect in History: Christ our Hope 233
John Howe on The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit 255
C. H. Spurgeon’s Views on Prophecy 273
Notes 285
Index 313
Index to Scripture References 325




Submit your testimonial

  1. David

    This is one of those books which should be read every year. It fires an enthusiasm for God, the Work of God and the Gospel as few others I know, outside of Holy Writ.
    Clearly, and concisely tracking the Hope of the Gospel through the years. Murray at his best, and that is saying something.

  2. Andrew

    Iain Murray shows, both from history and by careful Bible exposition, that prior to the Second Coming of Christ, christians had a great hope for the spread of the Gospel. Murray examines this hope by inspecting church history before, during and after the puritan period. However, it was during the puritan era in particular, that this idea of hope gained in prominence. Murray also shows how belief in this hope deteriorated during the nineteenth century, influenced by the teachings of men such as J.N. Darby and the Scofield Bible, which presented a more pessimistic view of the church before the Second Coming.

    The book then ends with a challenge and an encouragement for christians today. I thought this was a very well written work. Even though you may not agree with every viewpoint that the author presents, this still makes an excellent piece of christian literature. Highly recommended.

  3. Kim Batteau

    I love this book, ever since I read it way back in the 1970s. It is magisterial,beautifully written, and brought tears to my eyes when I read it then, and still does now when I think of its powerful, powerful message: don’t give up hope, believers! Jesus said, “make disciples of all the nations,” and He still means that and will make it possible, by His grace and strength! All the glory to Him!

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