Originally published: 1974

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El Espíritu Santo

Holy Spirit

by Edwin H. Palmer

price £3.25


Book Description La persona y el ministerio del Espíritu Santo son cuestiones de mucha importancia actualmente para la Iglesia. En una forma muy precisa y detallada, el Dr. Palmer nos presenta aquí la enseñanza bíblica acerca de dichos temas y desarrolla de manera amplia la labor del Espíritu en la Creación, la gracia común, la […]

price From: £4.80
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These Christians are unrecorded in the world’s annals of fame, but if the true principle of living Christianity is simple dependence upon God, and child-like faith, then their lives are eminent among those ‘of whom the world is not worthy’. 144pp.


Romans 8:5-17

Volume 7: The Sons of God

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

price £16.75


The longest series of expositions preached in Westminster Chapel during Dr Lloyd-Jones’ 30-year ministry there was on this the greatest of the New Testament Epistles. 238–528pp.

Cover of 'The Christian Soldier'


Volume 8: The Christian Soldier (6:10-20)

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

price £19.00


Preached between 1954 and 1962 in Westminster Chapel, here is ‘popular exposition at its best with no sacrifice of scholarship.’

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