Originally published: 1976

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Doctrinas Clave

Key Doctrines

by Edwin H. Palmer

price £5.00


Book Description ‘Toda doctrina bíblica es clave para el bien de la iglesia. Sin embargo, existen entre ellas varias que son muy fundamentales para la edificación de una iglesia sólida. Estas cinco doctrinas que se presentan aquí, es decir ‘La corrupción del hombre’, ‘Su elección en Cristo’, ‘La expiación eficaz’, ‘La Gracia irresistible’, ‘La perseverancia […]

Collected Writings of John Murray

Collected Writings of John Murray

Volume 1: The Claims of Truth

by John Murray

price £19.00


The most important of Murray’s shorter writings illustrating his conviction that theology should be ‘shot through with ardent devotion’. 392pp.

New Testament Introduction

New Testament Introduction

An Introduction to its Literature and History

by J. Gresham Machen

price £8.50


Brings the history and literature of the New Testament alive today in a fascinating way. 392pp.



Volume 7: The Christian Warfare (6:10-13)

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

price £17.50


Preached between 1954 and 1962 in Westminster Chapel, here is ‘popular exposition at its best with no sacrifice of scholarship.’ 280–464pp.


The Cross

The Vindication Of God

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

price From: £1.50


Above all else, the cross is a vindication of the character of God. 32pp.

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