Scripture Reference: New Testament


Facing Grief

Counsel For Mourners

by John Flavel

price From: £4.80


A meditation on Luke 7:13, based upon advice Flavel gave to a woman who had lost her only son. Full of Scripture, counsel, warning and wisdom gained from personal experience of affliction. 136pp.

price From: £5.00


In this exposition of Philippians 1:23, Baxter provides much needed counsel, strength and comfort. 144pp.

price From: £5.50


In a thorough exposition of John 6:37, Bunyan expresses his delight and joy in the free and gracious welcome given to sinners by Christ. 224pp.


Christian Love

With an extract from 'The Sinners Sanctuary'

by Hugh Binning

price £5.00
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The Scottish Covenanting minister Hugh Binning shows how Christians should love one another (John 13:35) and describes the excellence of Christian love from 1 Corinthians 13. Includes 3 sermons from The Sinner’s Sanctuary, an exposition of Romans 8:1–15. 112pp.

price From: £4.80


Watson explains, from Romans 8:28, how the best and worst experiences work for the good of God’s people. 128pp.


Trial and Triumph of Faith

Lessons From Christ's Gracious Answers to a Woman Whose Faith Would Not Give up

by Samuel Rutherford

price £6.50


Expounding the incident of the healing of the daughter of the Canaanite woman (Matt. 15 & Mark 7), Rutherford eloquently shows the nature of true faith in Christ and persistence in prayer. 416pp.


Rejoice Always

Studies in Philippians 4

by John Gwyn-Thomas

price £5.00


With great lucidity and sanity, John Gwyn-Thomas paints an authentic portrait of the Christian life as one in which great seriousness and intense joy are married together. 176pp.


Price For A People

The Meaning of Christ's Death

by Tom Wells

price £4.50
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The Meaning of Christ’s Death’ is clearly and biblically explained. 168pp.


Preaching Christ

The Heart of Gospel Ministry

by Charles P. McIlvaine

price From: £4.80
Avg. Rating


In this address to those entering the ministry, Bishop Charles P. McIlvaine leaves no doubt about ‘The Heart of Gospel Ministry’. 96pp.

Philip and the Revival in Samaria
price From: £5.50


A thought-provoking and heart-warming study from Acts Chap. 8. 128pp.


Peter: Eyewitness of His Majesty

As Disciple, Preacher, Pastor

by Edward Donnelly

price From: £5.80


Endorsements Ted Donnelly’s handling of biblical teaching is always marked by faithfulness, insight, wisdom and warmth. All of these qualities abound in this splendid exposition of Simon Peter’s life and ministry. It provides the rare combination of helpful, and at times, searching, instruction with the genuine Christian pleasure of discovering more about the grace of […]

No Condemnation In Christ

No Condemnation In Christ

As Unfolded in the Eighth Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans

by Octavius Winslow

price £5.00


An exposition which displays the treasures of grace to be found in Romans chapter 8. 400pp.