Scripture Reference: Whole Bible
Showing 61–72 of 139 resultsSorted by latest

What is needed now, as never before,’ says A. W. Pink, ‘is a full, positive, constructive setting forth of the Godhood of God.’ 168pp. Reset edition 2009.

Select Sermons of George Whitefield
With an account of his life by J.C. Ryle
A ‘judicious and representative’ selection of the sermons of George Whitefield, together with an account of his life by J. C. Ryle.

Shows from Scripture that the only hope for lost men and women is the grace of a God who actually saves. 144pp.

Satan Cast Out
A Study in Biblical Demonology
A lucid, biblical review of Christian teaching on such issues as the existence and activity of Satan, demon-possession and the occult. 200pp.

Using authoritative Roman Catholic documents, the author provides an instructive, thought-provoking and personally challenging analysis of Roman Catholic teaching and how it compares with Scripture. 184pp.

Right with God
A Straighforward Guide For Those Searching For a Personal Faith in God
ENDORSEMENT ‘An evangelistic classic. It is meticulously biblical in both its arguments and its illustrations.’ — GRACE MAGAZINE Book Description This book is written for seekers – for people who want to give sensible and honest thought to the whole question of their relationship to God. It is not an examination of all the world’s […]

Revival Year Sermons, 1859
Preached in the Surrey Gardens Music Hall
These sermons preached in the Surrey Gardens Music Hall in 1859 show the vigorous, fervent proclamation of the gospel which made Spurgeon’s preaching what it was. 96pp.

Colquhoun (1748–1827) distinguishes between evangelical or true repentance and legal repentance. 216pp.

A Reformation Guide to Scripture
The Prologues from the Geneva Bible 1560
The Prologues from the Geneva Bible, 1560’. 152pp.

Originally published in the author’s Studies in the Scriptures, looks at how we can benefit from reading the Scriptures. 128pp.

A Biblical Perspective
A book for all those who want to live nearer to God and to be refreshed in their communion with him. 104pp.

Warm and pastorally-directed studies which look at the character of God, the salvation of God and the church of God, and provide satisfying food for the hearts and minds of Christian readers everywhere. 208pp.
Showing 61–72 of 139 resultsSorted by latest