Scripture Reference: Whole Bible
Showing 73–84 of 139 resultsSorted by latest

One Lord, One Plan, One People
A Journey Through The Bible From Genesis To Revelation
A journey through the Bible, pointing out the main features of each book and focusing on Jesus, the one Lord who is the terminal point of God’s promises. 480pp.

Not By Bread Alone
God's Word on Present Issues
Discusses contemporary issues such as Race, Punishment, Money, Women’s Liberation, War and Homosexuality. 160pp.

No Holiness No Heaven
Antinomianism Today
Examines the Christian’s relationship to God’s law. 112pp.

The Milk Of The Word
An Introduction to the Christian Faith
A clear, simple introduction to fundamental truths of the Faith. 96pp.

Love Rules
The Ten Commandments for the 21st Century
Conveys the vital importance of the Ten Commandments and demonstrates the contemporary church’s need to understand God’s moral law. Includes a guide for individual and group study. 128pp.

Demonstrates how the biblical teaching on man serves as a gateway into the entire Christian message. 168pp.

The Last Things
Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell
A plain, non-speculative study on death, judgment, heaven and hell. 160pp.

A selection of ten of Edwards’ sermons providing a fine sample of the God-centredness of this pastor/theologian’s ministry. 280pp.

Heaven and Hell
What Comes After Death?
A moving exposition, marked by biblical realism and pastoral warmth, of the solemn reality of hell and the matchless glory of heaven. 144pp.

The Great Divide
Christianity or Evolution?
Shows that the philosophy of evolution cannot be combined with the teaching of the Bible. 184pp.

God’s Riches
A Work-Book on the Doctrines of Grace
Serves as an introductory ‘Work-book on the Doctrines of Grace.’ 96pp. Illustrated.

God-Centred Evangelism
A Presentation of the Scriptural Theology of Evangelism
Covers the whole spectrum of themes on evangelism, from its origin in God himself, to the assurance of its ultimate triumph. 248pp.
Showing 73–84 of 139 resultsSorted by latest