
His Arms Were Made Strong

Weight 0.39 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 13.6 × 1.8 cm
ISBN 9781848711655



Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Aug 21, 2012

Page Count



Bible Characters, Biblical Studies, Spiritual Growth



Book Description

The story of Joseph as recorded in the book of Genesis is a vital part of salvation history. Through this one man God kept alive the family from which Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world would be born. It is a glorious story and the one that David Searle tells in his new book.

In doing so the author follows the Apostle Paul who, when writing in the context of our vulnerability to temptation and referring to God’s people in the OT, said ‘These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings to us’ (I Cor. 10:11). ‘Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope’ (Rom. 15:4).

Joseph, His Arms Were Made Strong takes up and illustrates many truths vital for Christian living. It is not only a a good read but will be spiritually beneficial to both young and old. It is relevant to contemporary trends and opinions both in society and the church. It draws upon long pastoral experience and is full of the down-to-earth examples. What is unusual but refreshing about the book is the author’s directness in addressing the reader and his asking some personal questions. This underlines the helpfulness of the lessons drawn from Joseph’s life and makes the reading a stimulus and guide to spiritual growth and personal holiness.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Foreword by Derek Prime ix
Preface xiii
1 Joseph the Dreamer: Gen 37 1
2 ‘Filled with the Spirit’: Gen 39 & Eph 5:15-6:9 15
3 Joseph Tempted: Gen 39:7-20 31
4 Joseph in Prison: Gen 39:20-40:23 & 2 Cor 4:7-12 47
5 The Final Test: Gen 41:1-41 63
6 Joseph, Viceroy of Egypt: Gen 41:42-57 77
7 Steps to Repentance: Gen 42 89
8 Joseph Reveals Himself: Gen 43-45 105
9 Father and Son Reunited: Gen 46 119
10 The Greater Blesses the Lesser: Gen 47:1-12 131
11 Joseph’s Administration: Gen 47:13-26 147
12 Jacob Blesses Ephraim and Manasseh: Gen 47:29-48:22 161
13 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah: Gen 49:1-12 177
14 Zebulun, Issachar, and Dan: Gen 49:13-17 191
15 Gad, Asher, and Naphtali: Gen 49:18-21 205
16 Benjamin and Joseph: Gen 49:22-28 221
17 Guilt: Gen 50:15-21 235
18 Funerals: Gen 49:28–50:14, 22-26 249
Select Bibliography 265



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