Kenneth Moody Stuart Books

Cover image of Alexander Moody Stuart: A Memoir
price From: £10.00
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NEW RELEASE Book Description Many twenty-first-century Christians ‌still read the works and love the memory of the remarkable Scottish brotherhood that included Robert Murray M‘Cheyne and Andrew and Horatius Bonar. But the name of Alexander Moody Stuart (1809–98), whom they all esteemed so much, has been forgotten. Yet it took only one encounter with his […]

cover image for the Biography of Brownlow North

Brownlow North

His Life and Work

by Kenneth Moody Stuart

price From: £8.50


Endorsements ‘This arresting account of Brownlow North’s life and work recalls one of the greatest evangelists of the nineteenth century.’ — REFORMED EVANGELICAL REVIEW ‘Biography is essential to the diet of the Christian reader and this is of the finest. Warmly written, it is refreshing to read, depicting afresh the power of the gospel in […]