Books on Christian Living

Showing 193–204 of 290 results

Setting our Sights on Heaven

Setting Our Sights on Heaven

Why It's Hard and Why It's Worth It

by Paul D. Wolfe

price From: £6.75
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ENDORSEMENT ‘Wolfe is two for two. He is not a one-book wonder. He tackles the question of heaven in a down-to-earth fashion that steers clear of the sentimentalism and vague theology so often associated with the subject. This book helps me not only to fulfil my pastoral duty in preparing my people for death but, […]


Shadow Of The Cross

Studies in Self-Denial

by Walter J. Chantry

price From: £3.00


In these ‘Studies in Self-Denial’, Chantry expounds the practical necessity of bearing the cross, and the joy of living under its shadow. 80pp.

price £6.00


A collection of articles which speak to the needs of the times. 256pp.

Wait Till You See the Butterfly

Wait Till You See the Butterfly

And Other Short Stories for Boys and Girls

by Doreen Tamminga

price £7.50
Avg. Rating


Stories for children to point them to the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Saviour from sin, and to encourage Christian living. Arranged for age-groups 4–6, 7–9 and 10–12 years. 256pp.

Walking With God

Walking With God

Learning Discipleship in the Psalms

by Richard D. Phillips

price £7.00


Learning Discipleship in the Psalms’ by a look at twelve choice Psalms, with many practical lessons for encouraging Christian disciples. 192pp.

price £2.50


Stories from the author’s own experience for young and old. 64pp.


Words Old And New

Gems From the Christian Authorship of All Ages

by Horatius Bonar

price £5.50
Avg. Rating


An anthology of quotations from significant figures through the Christian centuries, presented chronologically. 368pp.

price From: £4.50


In this moving exposition of Psalm 51:17, Bunyan shows why a broken heart is so acceptable to God. 128pp.


All Loves Excelling

The Saints' Knowledge of Christ's Love

by John Bunyan

price £5.00
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Expounds the breadth, length, depth and height of Christ’s love, from Ephesians 3:17-18. 139p.


The Godly Man’s Picture

Some Characteristic Marks of a Man Who is Going to Heaven

by Thomas Watson

price From: £4.80
Avg. Rating


Some Characteristic Marks of a Man who is Going to Heaven’. 256pp.

price £6.25
Avg. Rating


Aptly chosen quotations from the Puritan period. 320pp.

price From: £4.80


In these four studies from the life of King Josiah (2 Chron. 34:26–28), the ‘heavenly doctor’ Sibbes shows that true reformation must begin in the heart, with love for Christ. 192pp.

Showing 193–204 of 290 results