Books on History and Biography

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Concerned with the spiritual explanation of the movement, which far from dwindling at Wesley’s death, increased in momentum, breadth and transforming power. A thrilling study of great relevance for the contemporary church, pointing to the key to the recovery of authentic Christianity. 288pp.

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To Glorify and Enjoy God provides a comprehensive introduction to the background, history, character and contributions of the Westminster Divines and their Assembly. 352pp.

Thoughts on the New England Revival

Thoughts on the New England Revival

Vindicating the Great Awakening

by Jonathan Edwards

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Here we find ‘the theologian of revival’ ably vindicating the Great Awakening against its critics. 304pp.

They Were Pilgrims
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The stories of four young men who made an extraordinary spiritual impact on their generation—David Brainerd, Henry Martyn, Robert Murray M‘Cheyne and Ion Keith-Falconer—and whose example and passion still call us to greater devotion for Christ. 272pp.

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A fascinating series of sketches of leaders in the Southern Presbyterian Church between colonial times and 1911 when White wrote. 512pp.

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This major biography rescues the Countess—so greatly admired by King George III, Whitefield and other leaders of the Evangelical Revival— from undeserved obscurity and misrepresentation. 496pp.

A Scottish Christian Heritage
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Murray explores Scotland’s rich Christian heritage and underlines its remarkable relevance for our own day. While not a Scottish Church history, A Scottish Christian Heritage is a gripping introduction to the many glorious successes, and some of the painful failures of the church, from the days of John Knox to those of Horatius Bonar. 416pp.

Scots Worthies
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Stirring mini-biographies of the Christian heroes of Scotland from the 1520s to the ‘killing times’ of the 1680s. 672pp.

Richard Hobson of Liverpool

Richard Hobson of Liverpool

The Autobiography of a Faithful Pastor

by Richard Hobson

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The autobiography of a faithful pastor, who served his church in a working-class district of Liverpool for 33 years, and under whose ministry the ‘sixteen acres of sin’ were transformed. 384pp.

Revival And Revivalism

Revival And Revivalism

The Making and Marring of American Evangelicalism 1750 - 1858

by Iain H. Murray

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Subtitled ‘The Making and Marring of American Evangelicalism 1750–1858’, this book traces the spiritually epoch-making events of the 18th and 19th centuries and rejects the frequent identification of ‘revival’ with ‘revivalism’. 480pp.

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A series of addresses on the leading historical characters and the great biblical doctrines of the Reformation. 628pp.



Their Origins & Successors

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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Brings together the addresses given by Dr Lloyd-Jones at the Puritan Studies and Westminster Conferences 1959–1978. 448pp.