The Works of William Tyndale

2 Volume Set: Doctrinal Treatises and Introductions to Different Portions of the Holy Scriptures

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Weight 1.73 kg
Dimensions 22.3 × 14.3 × 8.6 cm
ISBN 9781848710740
Page Count




Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Mar 1, 2010


Biblical Studies, 16th century, Pastoral Biography




Whole Bible


‘A reprint of this kind is no mere archaeological curiosity; one who was so intensely a man of the Bible as Tyndale was speaks to more ages than his own, and in the following pages we shall find that he has much to say to us, if we pay heed to what we read.’ — F.F. BRUCE

Book Description

William Tyndale is justly best remembered as a Bible translator. During the last eleven years of his short life he published three editions of the complete New Testament, the Pentateuch, the book of Jonah, and a few other parts of the Old Testament. He may well have left behind him in manuscript form a translation of the Old Testament’s historical books from Joshua to 2 Chronicles, which was published as part of ‘Matthew’s Bible’ in the year following his martyrdom. In the last letter from his pen, we see him zealous to make progress with the translation of the Old Testament, as languishing in his final imprisonment he requests that his ‘Hebrew Bible, Hebrew grammar, and Hebrew dictionary’ be granted to him.

There is little doubt that Tyndale could have translated the whole of the Bible into English if he had given himself exclusively to that work. But alongside the work of translation he felt it was necessary to contend earnestly for the Reformed faith and so he threw himself into several of the key theological controversies of the times. For this ‘Apostle of England’ the Bible must not only be translated, its teachings also must be expounded and applied in a practical way. To such work of exposition and application Tyndale gave himself with a passion, and in so doing not only proved himself a master of true biblical interpretation, but has left to posterity works of lasting value.

Table of Contents Expand ↓



Life of William Tyndale xiii
A Pathway into the Holy Scripture, 1525-32 1
The Parable of the Wicked Mammon, 1527 29
The Obedience of a Christian Man, 1527-8 127
A brief declaration of the Sacraments, 1536 345
Epistle to the Reader; subjoined to his first published version of the New Testament, 1526 389
Preface that he made before the five books of Moses, 1530 392
Prologue to the book of Genesis, 1530 398
A Table expounding certain words in the first book of Moses, called Genesis 405
A Prologue into the second book of Moses, called Exodus 411
A Table expounding certain words of the second book of Moses 419
A Prologue into the third book of Moses, called Leviticus 421
A Prologue into the fourth book of Moses, called Numeri 429
A Prologue into the fifth book of Moses, called Deuteronomy 441
A Table expounding certain words of the fifth book of Moses, called Deuteronomy 445
Prologue to the Prophet Jonas, 1531 447
Prologue upon the Gospel of St Matthew, 1525 468
Gospel of St Mark 480
Gospel of St Luke 481
Gospel of St John 482
Epistle of St Paul to the Romans, 1526 483
first Epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians 511
second Epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians 512
Epistle of St Paul to the Galatians 513
Epistle of St Paul to the Ephesians 514
Epistle of St Paul to the Philippians ib.
Epistle of St Paul to the Colossians 515
first Epistle of St Paul to the Thessalonians 516
second Epistle of St Paul to the Thessalonians 517
first Epistle of St Paul to Timothy ib.
Prologue upon the second Epistle of St Paul to Timothy 519
Epistle of St Paul to Titus ib.
Epistle of St Paul to Philemon 520
Epistle of St Paul to the Hebrews 521
Epistle of St James 525
first Epistle of St Peter 527
second Epistle of St Peter 528
three Epistles of St John 529
Epistle of St Jude 531
An exposition upon certain words and phrases of the New Testament ib.



PROLOGUE to Exposition of St Matthew’s Gospel

Exposition of Chaps. v. vi. and vii. of St Matthew’s Gospel 16
Introductory notice to exposition of first Epistle of St John 133
Prologue to the same 136
Exposition of the first Epistle of St John 145
Marginal notes on first twenty-one chapters of St Matthew’s Gospel 227
Introductory notice to Practice of Prelates 237
Preface to the Practice of Prelates 240
The Practice of Prelates 247



Submit your testimonial

  1. Jonathan Deller

    The works of William Tyndale are one of the true classics of Christian writing. Tyndale is on par with William Gurnall, John Knox, John Calvin, John Newton, C.H. Spurgeon, and Billy Graham. In regards to the publisher, Banner Of Truth, a beautiful job of republishing writings on God’s everlasting truth and mercy. Thank you. May God richly bless you in all your endeavors.

  2. MatteoB

    I have been reading through these works in conjunction with Brian Moynihan’ moving biography “ If God Spare My Life.” Tyndale is a true saint of Reformed Christian faith. His New Testament is a work of literary genius and his bravery and sacrifice is an example to us all. These works show his scholarship, his brilliant turn of phrase and his pungency. They should be part of every Christian’s library as should Moynahan’s biography. The debt we owe to this man is incalculable.

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